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Re: Sharing numerical data along with a Mathematica notebook

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg118233] Re: Sharing numerical data along with a Mathematica notebook
  • From: Armand Tamzarian <mike.honeychurch at>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 07:54:01 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <ioburt$bbc$>

On Apr 16, 9:34 pm, Andrew DeYoung <adeyo... at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I use Mathematica a lot to manipulate large lists of numerical data
> (rather than another system, because I find Mathematica's plot options mu=
> easier to understand and use).  Often, I like to share my Mathematica
> plots (including the raw data) with others.  I typically send the raw
> data (such as an Excel file or CSV file) and the Mathematica notebook
> with the import commands and the plotted data.  However, this can be a
> little complicated, because then my collaborators have to either make
> sure to put the Excel file in the same directory as the Mathematica
> notebook when they detach it from my email, or I have to put a command
> like:
> fileName=SystemDialogInput["FileOpen"]
> Import[fileName]
> which allows the user to use the Windows interface to select where on
> their hard drives the Excel file is.  The slight problem with this is
> that the user cannot then simply re-execute the entire notebook (to
> update the plot after changing their parameters) without again using
> the Windows interface to set fileName every time.
> Of course, another option is to include the raw data in the same
> Mathematica notebook, but this can lead to large and cluttered
> notebooks.
> My question is, is there any better way that I can saving my numerical
> data and sharing it with collaborators?
> Thank you,
> Andrew DeYoung
> Carnegie Mellon University

When you speak of large cluttered notebooks, by large do you mean how
many MB for example?

As for cluttered you can hide the data in a section, subsection and so
on. There are numerous ways in a Mathematica notebook to remove cluttering and
keep the focus on specific things.


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