Re: Venn diagrams?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg118315] Re: Venn diagrams?
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
- Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 03:12:06 -0400 (EDT)
It's just more of the same. areaOverlap[r1_, r2_, d_] = r2^2 * ArcCos[(d^2 + r2^2 - r1^2)/(2 d r2)] + r1^2 * ArcCos[(d^2 + r1^2 - r2^2)/(2 d r1)] - Sqrt[(-d + r2 + r1) (d + r2 - r1) (d - r2 + r1) (d + r2 + r1)]/2; separation[r1_?Positive, r2_?Positive, overlap_?NonNegative] /; overlap <= (Min[r1, r2]^2 * Pi) := Chop[d /. FindRoot[ areaOverlap[r1, r2, d] == overlap, {d, Max[r1, r2]}][[1]]]; venn[area1_?Positive, area2_?Positive, area3_?Positive, overlap12_?NonNegative, overlap13_?NonNegative, overlap23_?NonNegative] /; (overlap12 <= Min[area1, area2] && overlap13 <= Min[area1, area3] && overlap23 <= Min[area2, area3]) := Module[{d12, d13, d23, x, y, r1 = Sqrt[area1/Pi], r2 = Sqrt[area2/Pi], r3 = Sqrt[area3/Pi]}, d12 = separation[r1, r2, overlap12]; {x, y} = ({x, y} /. NSolve[{ Norm[{x, y}] == separation[r1, r3, overlap13], Norm[{x, y} - {d12, 0}] == separation[r2, r3, overlap23]}, {x, y}][[1]]); Graphics[{ Red, Circle[{0, 0}, r1], Blue, Circle[{d12, 0}, r2], Green, Circle[{x, y}, r3]}]]; venn[25, 16, 9, 0, 0, 0] venn[25, 16, 9, 4, 3, 1] With[{c = Pi/3 - Sqrt[3]/2}, venn[Pi, Pi, Pi, c, c, c]] Bob Hanlon ---- dantimatter <google at> wrote: ============= Thanks DrMajorBob, Murray, and Bob Hanlon! To the Bobs especially: your math and coding chops are most impressive. :) Any thoughts on extensions to three sets? At first I had hoped that it would be straight-forward, but after fiddling a bit myself I'm not so sure. I'm kinda surprised that Mathematica doesn't have this as a built-in function .... Cheers dan