Postfix specification graphics, etc.
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg118437] Postfix specification graphics, etc.
- From: "Christopher O. Young" <cy56 at>
- Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 06:34:44 -0400 (EDT)
I think I'm finally catching on to the pure function notation enough to put everything into the kind of postfix notation I prefer. It just seems preferable to me to have the geometrical objects positioned first, where they're most prominent, and have the commands that modify their display following them. For example, the following plots a "trammel" sliding in a corner, always tangent to the same hyperbola. All the lines are colored with corresponding colors for the points. P = {{0, k}, {10 - k, 0}}~Table~{k, 0, 10}; (* Points for the lines *) S = Drop[P, {}, {2}] // Flatten[#, 1] &; (* The start points *) F = P // Drop[#, {}, {1}] & // Flatten[#, 1] &; (* The finish points *) ({ Line[{S[[j]], F[[j]]}] // {Hue[0.8 (j - 1)/9],Thickness[0.02], #} &, {Point[S[[j]]], Point[F[[j]]]} //{Hue[0.8 (j - 1)/9],PointSize[0.05],#} & } ~Table~{j, 1, 11})\ // Graphics It's a little irritating to have to add parentheses to get Graphics to have enough scope, and a backslash to continue to the next line, but I still like getting the lines and points first. One interesting thing here is that {Hue[0.8 (j - 1)/9],Thickness[0.02], #} & is being used as a pure function, i.e., the list function, so that I can list each set of graphics directives after the objects they modify. Also it's lucky that I can get away with putting the points in a list and then applying the directives via another list, since I haven't been able to get it to work via numbered slots (i.e., #1, #2, etc.). I don't think it's accidental that the "//" form resembles the "pipe" operator from Unix, since it seems to be possible to use it for the same purpose, to "pipe" the output of one command into another. One question: How do I get all the points to plot on top? Chris Young cy56 at