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Re: Notebook works, CDF file doesn't

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg120791] Re: Notebook works, CDF file doesn't
  • From: Charles Wells <Charles at>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 06:46:47 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

I discovered the problem.  In the original file I redefined Cone, which is a built in function.  SaveDefinitions won't save redefinitions of symbols that are ReadProtected, as Cone is.  (I don't know whether all built in functions are ReadProtected or not.)

I changed it to ccone and now it works.  Currently the nb and cdf files called  CompositeDiagram work correctly.  The incorrect ones formerly called that are now called BadCompositeDiagram.

Note that BadCompositeDiagram.nb works correctly even though SaveDefinition is used in the definition of the manipulate object.  It is only the CDF file that doesn't work.  

Don't name your new symbols with a capital letter.  It says so in several places in the help files.  In fact it probably makes no difference if they aren't built-in functions, and there are a couple of other definitions in the files I uploaded that use capital letters with no problems.

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