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Problem with Coding for Box Whisker Chart

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123307] Problem with Coding for Box Whisker Chart
  • From: Scott Colwell <srcolwell at>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 05:50:09 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

Hello.  I wonder if you could help me with the following issues I am
having with the BoxWhiskerChart syntax.  I can not seem to get the
hang of this coding.  What I am trying to do is this:

(1) I would like to have 2 boxplots (Group A and Group B) that are
each controlled by their own locators which are positioned next to
them.  I can get 1 plot to work, but can't get a second one within the

(2) I can't seem to change the median style function to have the
median represented as a thick black line.

(3) For some reason, the 75th percentile comes up as a fraction rather
than a number.

Here is the code that I have thus far.

  {Min[#], Quartiles[#][[1]], Median[#], Quartiles[#][[3]], Max[#]} &@
   loc[[All, 2]],
  BaseStyle -> {Medium, FontFamily -> "Arial"},
  PlotRange -> {{0, 2}, {0, 100(*fixes max*)}},
  PlotRangePadding -> .5,(*0 fixes locators to y axis*)
  ImageSize -> Large,
  FrameLabel -> {"Group A", "Number of Text Messages"},
  PlotLabel -> Style["Interactive Boxplot", Bold, 20],
  Frame -> {True, True, False, False},
  ChartStyle -> Blue],
  {loc, {
    {0, 13}, {0, 21}, {0, 22}, {0, 31}, {0, 35}, {0, 39}, {0, 42}, {0,
      43}, {0, 46},
    {0, 46}, {0, 47}, {0, 48}, {0, 50}, {0, 51}, {0, 58}, {0, 60}, {0,
      67}, {0, 70}, {0, 79}}},
  {0, 2}, {0, 90(*fixes max*)}, Locator}

Thank you in advance

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