Re: Undefined under GNU / Linux
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg123912] Re: Undefined under GNU / Linux
- From: Francois LE COAT <lecoat at>
- Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011 07:03:54 -0500 (EST)
- Delivered-to:
- References: <jdh66j$kir$>
Hi, LE COAT Francois writes : > I'm using Mathematica 8.0.1 under GNU / Linux 32 with Mandriva 2010.2. > The problem is it won't launch as user, but only as root lately ... > When I'm user and not root, it produces the following undefined : > > [seti@linux bin]$ ./Mathematica > /home/seti/bin/Wolfram/Mathematica/8.0/SystemFiles/FrontEnd/Binaries/Linux/Mathematica: > symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: > _ZN9QMetaType15registerTypedefEPKci > > The problem is related to a Trolltech Qt 4 library > that is not included in the Mathematica's application bundle. > > Is there's a way to fix that ? Thanks. I definitely found the solution by removing the QT libraries shipped with Mathematica, forcing it to link against the system ones. I removed "Wolfram/Mathematica/8.0/SystemFiles/Libraries/Linux/libQt*" Thanks for your attention, Best regards, -- Fran=E7ois LE COAT <>