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Re: solution of equation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116390] Re: solution of equation
  • From: Peter Breitfeld <phbrf at>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 03:05:40 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ij5mvj$jo5$>

Piotr Munik wrote:

> Dear Math Group,
> I want to solve equation like this:
> L := 100; h := 1;
> n Tan[n L] == h
> I need roots of this equation in a list form
> but I have a problem.
> I try findfoot
> FindRoot[n Tan[n L] == h, {n, 0.01}]
> but it's not good
> I need your help...
> Piotr

Try Reduce:

sols={ToRules@Reduce[{n Tan[n L] == h, 0. <= n <= 1}, n]}

Out={{n -> 0.0155525}, {n -> 0.0466577}, {n -> 0.0777637},
     {n -> 0.108871},  {n -> 0.139981},  {n -> 0.171093}, {n -> 0.202208},
     {n -> 0.233327},  {n -> 0.26445},   {n -> 0.295577}, {n -> 0.326709},
     {n -> 0.357847},  {n -> 0.388989},  {n -> 0.420138}, {n -> 0.451292},
     {n -> 0.482452},  {n -> 0.513618},  {n -> 0.54479},  {n -> 0.575969},
     {n -> 0.607154},  {n -> 0.638345},  {n -> 0.669543}, {n -> 0.700746},
     {n -> 0.731956},  {n -> 0.763171},  {n -> 0.794393}, {n -> 0.82562},
     {n -> 0.856853},  {n -> 0.888092},  {n -> 0.919336}, {n -> 0.950585},
     {n -> 0.981839}} 

I wrote "0." instead of "0" in the inequality to get Reals in the
results instead of Root-objects.
Peter Breitfeld, Bad Saulgau, Germany --

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