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Re: Another point about Mathematica 8.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116423] Re: Another point about Mathematica 8.0
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 04:28:23 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <iiten7$jl5$> <ij0e3s$992$> <ij8d09$370$>

On 13/02/2011 10:49, P_ter wrote:

> It seems to me that a very peculiar business model streams
> Mathematica.  As a consequence: now and than a kind of trauma bubbles up
> in this math group.
> That is: the not so new fall off. In this model all share this fate.

Everyone who writes software that runs on several platforms, has to 
regularly evaluate whether it is still worth supporting them all. Each 
platform absorbs much effort, which costs money and detracts from the 
work that can go into the other platforms.

I have always been amazed at just how many platforms WRI supports, and 
losing a few may help them support the remaining platforms better.

Unless you need some particular feature of the SUN machine, I'd buy a PC 
with a 64-bit chip and 64-bit Windows with plenty of memory, and 
transfer your license to that.

David Bailey

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