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Re: Another point about Mathematica 8.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116459] Re: Another point about Mathematica 8.0
  • From: AES <siegman at>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 04:34:46 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ijdo8h$f6v$>

In article <ijdo8h$f6v$1 at>,
 Murray Eisenberg <murray at> wrote:

> Re licensing: have you ever signed a rental agreement for a tool at a 
> rental store? (True, it doesn't tell you what you can do with it; but 
> you're giving away lots of rights when you sign it in case there's 
> damage to it or damage/injury caused by it...)

      Can't deny that -- but of course that's renting, not buying.

> Re proprietary product: The trick is to get all the really, really, 
> really bright people with diverse mathematical, graphical, computer, 
> design, and documentation skills: they tend to want to get paid so they 
> can live.
> But if you're committed to such a project, perhaps you should contribute 
> your time to the existing project.

         Unfortunately, I don't have anything like the skills needed
         to do this.  In software I'm a tool-user, not a tool-builder.
         (I do build some decent tools in other areas . . . )

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