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Solids of revolution

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116477] Solids of revolution
  • From: Tom <tidetabletom at>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 04:38:00 -0500 (EST)

Hello,  I'm a high school math teacher,  currently working on some
lessons to teach the volume of solids formed by revolution.

I have some good starting points, a few animations and
demonstrations,  but if anyone would be willing to share any of their
nice illustrations/graphics/commands  I would welcome that.  It would
be helpful for my students and helpful for me to learn to use
Mathematica more effectively.

There are some nice examples at this website
that are done with Mathematica but the author has not published the
code so I am not sure how to create similar results.

I apologize for a very generic request.   For many on this group,
these are simple ideas to teach and program.  For me,  this is at the
limit of my mathematical and Mathematica knowledge and I'd like to
better understand and present these concepts.

If you have anything to share that might be more than a simple post to
this group,  you can email me at tidetabletom at

Sincerely,  Tom De Vries

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