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Re: outputting C code

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116779] Re: outputting C code
  • From: HonestMath <honestmath at>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 04:35:35 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ik2qo1$ar9$> <ik5f8b$sjs$> <ikan2v$ce5$>

Cheers to both of you for that information.  I was hoping to be able
to produce some standalone libraries with a special compiler, but it
seems as though the Wolfram libraries are a necessity.  It's no

Thank you again, I will trudge on!

On Feb 26, 3:10 am, Albert Retey <a... at> wrote:
> Hi,
> > It looks like I am able to create some code for external use.
> > However, I wonder if enough code is generated or if some is in byte
> > code for that platform.  Let me elaborate.  I want to know if it is
> > possible to create a function that calls built-in Mathematica
> > functions, and use this in an external software package.
> > For example,  if I have an application meant for use on an Android
> > device, is it possible for Mathematica to give me all I need to
> > generate a Java library, or C source code that can be compiled for a
> > Java device?  As compilation is device dependent, it seems it might be
> > limited to the device on which Mathematica is running.  If you have
> > Mathematica for Windows, it generates Windows code, if on a Mac, it
> > generates Mac code.  Is this correct, or is there a way to get all I
> > need to run on an Android, Palm, or iphone?
> While I think the generated C-Code should probably be compilable for
> other platforms the problem that you can not solve without Wolfram is
> that you will need to link to the Wolfram RTL library (that's the
> "Libraries" -> "WolframRTL_Static_Minimal.lib" part in
> CCodeGenerator/tutorial/Examples#119837896). AFAIK Android and Palm's
> WebOS are basically Linux-Distributions but since they typically running
> on ARM processors you can not use the (binary) libraries that come with
> the Linux version of Mathematica (which I think is only available for
> the x86/x64 architectures). For the iPhone I'm not even sure if there
> are C-Compilers and standard libraries available (officially), I think
> Apple insisted on apps to be programmed in Objective C until very
> recently...
> As long as Wolfram Research does not provide the Wolfram RTL libraries
> for these architectures, you are out of luck. Does anyone know whether
> binaries for these architecture are available or planned to be made
> available or did I get something wrong with the above?
> hth,
> albert

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