Re: Simple n-tuple problem - with no simple solution
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg115797] Re: Simple n-tuple problem - with no simple solution
- From: Daniel Lichtblau <danl at>
- Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 04:30:19 -0500 (EST)
Don wrote: > Problem: Given an n-tuple (n >= 1). with each element able to take > on the values in > Range[0, 1.0, .05] , produce all the n-tuples that sum to 1.0. > > The most direct way to solve this problem is to generaate all possible > n-tuples and Select out all those that sum to 1.0. > > For example, when n = 2 : > > n = 2; > Select[Tuples[Table[Range[0, 1.0, .05], {n}]], Total[#] == 1 &] > > The problem with this solution is that the number of n-tuples that are > generated before the Select is used grows exponentially fast as a > function > of n - causing the system to run out of memory (RAM) very quickly. > > Is there a more memory efficient way to solve this problem that > doesn't > use so much memory but still is not too slow in terms of processor > time? > > Thank you. I'm sure there are better ways to code this, but here is one approach. I will work with integers, so I would have 20 and 1 where you have 1 and .05 respectively. getSolutions[sum_, max_, 1] := If[max < sum, {}, {{sum}}] getSolutions[sum_, max_, n_] := Module[ {subsols}, Union[Flatten[Table[ subsols = getSolutions[j, max, n - 1]; If[Length[subsols] >= 1, Table[ Insert[subsols[[i]], sum - j, k], {k, 1, n}, {i, Length[subsols]}] , {}] , {j, Max[sum - max, 0], sum}], 2]] ] Example: In[280]:= getSolutions[20, 20, 2] Out[280]= {{0, 20}, {1, 19}, {2, 18}, {3, 17}, {4, 16}, {5, 15}, {6, 14}, {7, 13}, {8, 12}, {9, 11}, {10, 10}, {11, 9}, {12, 8}, {13, 7}, {14, 6}, {15, 5}, {16, 4}, {17, 3}, {18, 2}, {19, 1}, {20, 0}} This code is not too slow. In[277]:= Timing[sols = getSolutions[20, 20, 4];] Out[277]= {0.042993, Null} In[278]:= Length[sols] Out[278]= 1771 Probably could be made faster either via Compile or a smarter algorithm. Note that if you were only interested in teh number of possibilities, that's easier to obtain. In[229]:= numberOfSolutions[sum_, max_, n_] := Module[ {x, poly}, poly = Total[x^Range[0, max]]; Coefficient[poly^n, x^sum]] In[279]:= numberOfSolutions[20, 20, 4] Out[279]= 1771 One caveat is that I have not tried to test this extensively. So there might be edge cases that misbehave. Daniel Lichtblau Wolfram Research