Decalring the golbal variables in Packages
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg115946] Decalring the golbal variables in Packages
- From: lightnation <lightnation at>
- Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 03:39:26 -0500 (EST)
The coding is as in the following, Please take a look at "Begin["`Global`"]; " in the 4th line. Is this right or not? That is the question. =========Package======================== BeginPackage["Work`MyPackages`cMode`"]; cMode::usage = "cMode[NEvanU_,NEvanL_,NEvanC_] returns the number \ of mode (propagation + evanescent) mode"; Begin["`Global`"]; cMode[NEvanU_, NEvanL_, NEvanC_] := Module[{}, NPropU = Floor[2*f*Take[a, l]*Sqrt[eps1*mue1]]; NModeU = NPropU + NEvanU; NPropL = Floor[2*f*Take[b, s]*Sqrt[eps1*mue1]]; NModeL = NPropL + NEvanL; NPropC = Floor[2*f*alpha*Sqrt[eps0*mue0]]; NModeC = NPropC + NEvanC; Return[{NModeU, NModeL, NModeC}]] End[]; EndPackage[]; ==============Execution in the Notebook============================== Remove["`*"]; l = 4; s = 2; a = {31/10^3, 12/10^3, 11/10^3, 23/10^3}; Tu = {40/10^3, 25/10^3, 20/10^3, 30/10^3}; b = {5/10^3, 5/10^3}; Tl = {55/10^3, 45/10^3}; alpha = 120/10^3; Tup = Table[Sum[Tu[[i]], {i, 1, i}], {i, 1, l}]; Tlp = Table[Sum[Tl[[i]], {i, 1, i}], {i, 1, s}]; d = 6/10^3; h = 15.27/10^3; eps0 = 1/((36*Pi)*10^9); mue0 = (4*Pi)/10^7; epsr = 4; muer = 1; eps1 = eps0*epsr; mue1 = mue0*muer; f = 5*10^9; w = 2*Pi*f; k0 = w*Sqrt[eps0*mue0]; k1 = w*Sqrt[eps1*mue1]; theta = 0; kx = k0*Sin[theta]; kz = k0*Cos[theta]; {ModeU, ModeL, ModeC} = cMode[1, 1, 1] ==============error messages in the output========= Take::normal: Nonatomic expression expected at position 1 in Take[Work`MyPackages`cMode`Global`a,Work`MyPackages`cMode`Global`l]. >>