Re: Enterprise level Mathematica idea
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg120221] Re: Enterprise level Mathematica idea
- From: Armand Tamzarian <mike.honeychurch at>
- Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 05:20:24 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <ivbpup$o5v$>
On Jul 10, 7:04 pm, "McHale, Paul" <Paul.McH... at> wrote: > Rather than start with the how, I would like to describe the end user exp= erience that we would like to shoot for as if I were reviewing something th= at doesn't exist. > > When a user wants to start a new Mathematica document, they simply launch= an empty notebook. The user is likely not to know anything beyond a bas= ic few commands. However, to perform complex tasks specific for their= organization, they simply leverage the shared corporate library. This l= ibrary makes it possible to develop very powerful notebooks without the nee= d for learning details of implementation that are unique to that organiz= ation. > > Example code of connecting to a database, retrieving product specific man= ufacturing information over a date range and with regard to a certain crite= ria is accomplished by one "corporate command", or cf*[]. > > myResults=cfPartsInfo[x"Product",x"Start date", x"End Date", x"Criteria= from Result table"]; > Max[myResults] > Min[MyResults] > Length[myList] > > Note: Depending on the format of myResults, there may be cfMax[], cfMin[]= and cfLength[]. > Note: all parameters start with x. This indicates there are multiple c= hoices. > > When the user selects cfPartsPassed[] from a auto-generated palette (deri= ved from shared library), the placeholders or the parameters buttons. Wh= en pressed, a list pops up which the user can select which product they wan= t to look at. The same for date and which criteria. > > myResults=cfPartsInfo["Rocket MarkA,"June, 2010", "June, 2011", "Pass/F= ail"]; > > Would return the pass/fail status of Rocket MarkA for the past year. > > Required functionality to support this effort: > > 1. Ability for developers to write functions cf* and deploiy them to a ce= ntral repository > > 2. Ability for developers to dynamically populate the popup list for para= meter selection using repository code and network access > 3. Support for auto-palette generation based on repository > 4. Support for each user to "check for updates" to make sure they have la= test copy of central repository > > This provides critical functionality not available in any package I know = of: > 1. Users will need to learn very little about mathematica but will be abl= e to leverage it well beyond their understanding. I think this is true f= or all Mathematica users. How many of could truly understand all the alg= orithms used in the optmization functions? Why should the users be requi= red to understand Mathematica when the corporate specific code can be devel= oped once and abstracted from the user? > > 2. The developers will have a trivial way to "deploy" their code to the u= sers. When the users chooses to "update local library" Mathematica shoul= d populate the palettes accordingly and update any help files as approriate=