Re: sorting a nested list of 4-tuples
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg120379] Re: sorting a nested list of 4-tuples
- From: Sseziwa Mukasa <mukasa at>
- Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 06:34:56 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <>
Your function does not appear to work correctly, sometimes the list is in the wrong order, but orderedList2: orderedList2[list_] := Module[{first = First[list], rest = Rest[list], nearest, result}, result = {first}; Do[nearest = Nearest[rest -> Automatic, Last[result]]; result = Join[result, rest[[nearest]]]; rest = Drop[rest, nearest], {Length[rest]}]; result] seems faster anyway.: In[11]:= Module[{list = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {20, 4}], result1, result2}, result1 = Timing[orderedList[list]]; result2 = Timing[orderedList2[list]]; {result1[[2]] == result2[[2]], result1[[1]], result2[[1]], {list, result1[[2]], result2[[2]]}}] Out[11]= {False, 0.002556, 0.0007, {{{0.0780386, 0.220901, 0.748457, 0.548342}, {0.722099, 0.308747, 0.33661, 0.304516}, {0.623358, 0.761312, 0.884318, 0.21337}, {0.14872, 0.284139, 0.244084, 0.582692}, {0.0829757, 0.911987, 0.448848, 0.606659}, {0.312903, 0.703568, 0.747021, 0.126831}, {0.847102, 0.437041, 0.0924343, 0.0333101}, {0.189339, 0.419192, 0.498754, 0.846607}, {0.661185, 0.455712, 0.31286, 0.387921}, {0.566059, 0.331815, 0.412978, 0.84236}, {0.714704, 0.335434, 0.417758, 0.0569088}, {0.855757, 0.0118403, 0.310144, 0.312894}, {0.278001, 0.874878, 0.289541, 0.199531}, {0.682503, 0.387263, 0.931379, 0.662633}, {0.8045, 0.264645, 0.595204, 0.534895}, {0.645246, 0.915467, 0.167849, 0.210847}, {0.789694, 0.987745, 0.0405679, 0.0957831}, {0.811736, 0.77314, 0.73452, 0.0771508}, {0.784869, 0.582503, 0.0986897, 0.152786}, {0.426251, 0.135863, 0.465908, 0.228462}}, {{0.0780386, 0.220901, 0.748457, 0.548342}, {0.14872, 0.284139, 0.244084, 0.582692}, {0.189339, 0.419192, 0.498754, 0.846607}, {0.312903, 0.703568, 0.747021, 0.126831}, {0.278001, 0.874878, 0.289541, 0.199531}, {0.0829757, 0.911987, 0.448848, 0.606659}, {0.623358, 0.761312, 0.884318, 0.21337}, {0.645246, 0.915467, 0.167849, 0.210847}, {0.789694, 0.987745, 0.0405679, 0.0957831}, {0.811736, 0.77314, 0.73452, 0.0771508}, {0.784869, 0.582503, 0.0986897, 0.152786}, {0.847102, 0.437041, 0.0924343, 0.0333101}, {0.714704, 0.335434, 0.417758, 0.0569088}, {0.722099, 0.308747, 0.33661, 0.304516}, {0.682503, 0.387263, 0.931379, 0.662633}, {0.661185, 0.455712, 0.31286, 0.387921}, {0.566059, 0.331815, 0.412978, 0.84236}, {0.426251, 0.135863, 0.465908, 0.228462}, {0.8045, 0.264645, 0.595204, 0.534895}, {0.855757, 0.0118403, 0.310144, 0.312894}}, {{0.0780386, 0.220901, 0.748457, 0.548342}, {0.189339, 0.419192, 0.498754, 0.846607}, {0.14872, 0.284139, 0.244084, 0.582692}, {0.566059, 0.331815, 0.412978, 0.84236}, {0.8045, 0.264645, 0.595204, 0.534895}, {0.722099, 0.308747, 0.33661, 0.304516}, {0.661185, 0.455712, 0.31286, 0.387921}, {0.784869, 0.582503, 0.0986897, 0.152786}, {0.847102, 0.437041, 0.0924343, 0.0333101}, {0.714704, 0.335434, 0.417758, 0.0569088}, {0.426251, 0.135863, 0.465908, 0.228462}, {0.855757, 0.0118403, 0.310144, 0.312894}, {0.682503, 0.387263, 0.931379, 0.662633}, {0.623358, 0.761312, 0.884318, 0.21337}, {0.811736, 0.77314, 0.73452, 0.0771508}, {0.312903, 0.703568, 0.747021, 0.126831}, {0.278001, 0.874878, 0.289541, 0.199531}, {0.645246, 0.915467, 0.167849, 0.210847}, {0.789694, 0.987745, 0.0405679, 0.0957831}, {0.0829757, 0.911987, 0.448848, 0.606659}}}} From the above output it seems to me orderedList is incorrect: In[12]:= Nearest[{{0.7220990188851284`, 0.30874655560999353`, 0.33661039115480085`, 0.30451607189733565`}, {0.623358140247426`, 0.7613121754790066`, 0.8843184964161348`, 0.21336965042896106`}, {0.14871956929750207`, 0.2841388256243189`, 0.2440839157054575`, 0.5826918077236027`}, {0.08297574175354927`, 0.9119868514832306`, 0.44884815651517496`, 0.606658888854545`}, {0.3129032093692543`, 0.7035682306379043`, 0.7470209852828422`, 0.126831036636313`}, {0.8471019825138335`, 0.4370412344560497`, 0.09243429503478429`, 0.03331005052172231`}, {0.18933936353633118`, 0.4191916563275504`, 0.49875370996337387`, 0.8466068811542358`}, {0.6611848899498884`, 0.455712283905654`, 0.31286031890780386`, 0.3879208331484807`}, {0.566058771065481`, 0.3318146887998126`, 0.41297814980274516`, 0.8423595336937795`}, {0.7147038318708883`, 0.33543423510640613`, 0.4177577945972242`, 0.056908774958363884`}, {0.8557567595586966`, 0.011840287587700837`, 0.31014365477384986`, 0.31289360223925855`}, {0.27800072513915963`, 0.8748776068932764`, 0.28954067774830894`, 0.19953109481447573`}, {0.6825027823624006`, 0.38726329607605536`, 0.9313788703031116`, 0.6626327289353637`}, {0.8045002220254145`, 0.26464489073341646`, 0.5952036781362782`, 0.5348945499518614`}, {0.6452463375631783`, 0.9154672494486176`, 0.16784916226023205`, 0.21084656084695386`}, {0.7896939168446158`, 0.9877454808787693`, 0.04056790678073363`, 0.09578312387470667`}, {0.8117363160995603`, 0.7731396349254072`, 0.7345204475002354`, 0.0771508252866615`}, {0.784869093354617`, 0.5825033331936824`, 0.09868967226141323`, 0.1527856209885663`}, {0.426250694413443`, 0.1358634032399666`, 0.46590788139431916`, 0.22846239863279472`}}, {0.07803858379747108`, 0.22090093831902768`, 0.7484574646075761`, 0.5483416965515358`}] Out[12]= {{0.189339, 0.419192, 0.498754, 0.846607}} Regards, Ssezi On Jul 19, 2011, at 6:55 AM, Luis Valero wrote: > Dear Sirs, > > I want to sort a list of 4-tuples of real numbers, so that, the second 4-tuple has minimum distance to the first, the third, selected from the rest, ha minimum distance to the second, and so on. > > The distance is the euclidean distance, calculated with the first two elements of each 4-tuple. > > I have defined a function that work: > > orderedList[list_] := Module[{nearest}, > Flatten[ Nest[{ > Append[ #[[1]] , nearest = Flatten @@ Nearest[ Map[ Rule[ #[[{1, 2}]], #] &, #[[2]] ], Last[ #[[1]] ] [[{1, 2}]], 1] ], > Delete[ #[[2]], Position[ #[[2]], nearest ] ] } &, { {list[[1]] }, Delete[ list, 1 ] }, Length[ list ] - 2], 1] ]; > > > but I need to improve the temporal efficiency > > Thank you > > >
- References:
- sorting a nested list of 4-tuples
- From: Luis Valero <>
- sorting a nested list of 4-tuples