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newbie Map, Dynamic, etc

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg120393] newbie Map, Dynamic, etc
  • From: Gareth Edwards <gareth.edwards at>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 05:47:10 -0400 (EDT)


Still playing around with Mathematica as a newbie and wrestling with the
'different'  way one has to think about things as opposed to other
languages. I think (hopefully) that an informative example for me would be a
solution (or at least some hints) to the following:

Say I have an image sequence (mySequence_0000.jpg, etc.) I'd like to create
a viewer with a slider that scrubs through the images. That I can do.

What I'd also like is an array of points (just one point per image, and
initialized to {0,0} say ), such that on each image I can move a locator
around and thereby modify the corresponding stored point in the array. In
other words, store the location of a point (as manipulated by me) against
each image.

My gut tells me that this is trivial to the average Mathematica user- the
trouble is I remain well below average right now!

Any help appreciated.



Dr. Gareth Edwards

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Fax: +44 161 884 0095

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