Re: Replacement faild
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg119610] Re: Replacement faild
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
- Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 11:03:24 -0400 (EDT)
- Reply-to: hanlonr at
You will not get exact results using inexact numbers (machine precision). eq1 = -(1104.6607499200002`/(-y + T)^2) + (x (1 + 2 T))/(T + T^2)^2 == 0; eq2 = 2209.3214998400003`/(-y + T)^3 - x ((2 (1 + 2 T)^2)/(T + T^2)^3 - 2/(T + T^2)^2) == 0; sol = Solve[Rationalize[eq1 && eq2, 0], {x, y}, Reals][[1]] // Simplify {x -> (1418800860*(1 + 3*T + 3*T^2)^2)/(1284377*(1 + 2*T)^3), y -> T^3/(1 + 3*T + 3*T^2)} {eq1, eq2} /. sol // Simplify {True, True} Bob Hanlon ---- Math Math <mathematica023 at> wrote: ============= Hi, I'm new for this forum, and really i'm new for Mathematica also! I've got this problem: two equation in a system. I use NSolve to have the solutions of system, but when i try to verify the solutions Mathematica doesn't give True, but another value. Can anyone help me? eq1 = -(1104.6607499200002`/(-y + T)^2) + (x (1 + 2 T))/(T + T^2)^2 == 0 ; eq2 = 2209.3214998400003`/(-y + T)^3 -x ((2 (1 + 2 T)^2)/(T + T^2)^3 - 2/(T + T^2)^2) == 0 ; sol = NSolve[eq1 && eq2, {x, y}, Reals] // FullSimplify; eq2 /. sol // FullSimplify eq1 /. sol // FullSimplify NSolve::ratnz: NSolve was unable to solve the system with inexact coefficients. The answer was obtained by solving a corresponding exact system and numericizing the result. >> ....