How substitute ToNumberField by LatticeReduce
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg119891] How substitute ToNumberField by LatticeReduce
- From: Artur <grafix at>
- Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 07:56:10 -0400 (EDT)
- Reply-to: grafix at
Dear Mathemtica Gurus, How to substitute ToNumberField (which reduce Lattice dimension 120) to procedure LatticeReduce to reduce size of reduced Lattice only to dimension of 24 if is know that rational non zero coefficients can occured only in powers divisable by 5. Best wishes Artur ToNumberField[Root[#1^5 - #1 - 1 &, 1], Root[9094947017729282379150390625 - 80789832281880080699920654296875000 #1^5 - 237192506515554850921034812927246093750 #1^10 + 705139879836163417436182498931884765625 #1^15 - 459824984328944450385570526123046875000 #1^20 + 10487457513893135823309421539306640625 #1^25 - 13478302141651816107332706451416015625 #1^30 + 1217709585276403392553329467773437500 #1^35 + 96420138101358171461105346679687500 #1^40 - 20220763484193313419818878173828125 #1^45 + 1336349922106355488300323486328125 #1^50 - 53762394424955668354034423828125 #1^55 + 1516376166478566884155273437500 #1^60 - 32266834412110710144042968750 #1^65 + 471313578630447387695312500 #1^70 - 4120317118819763183593750 #1^75 + 19549724707421728515625 #1^80 - 66036048919677734375 #1^85 + 470517877197265625 #1^90 - 2778681728515625 #1^95 + 8651930171875 #1^100 - 14638671875 #1^105 + 13671875 #1^110 - 6250 #1^115 + #1^120 &, 1]]