Re: 3D of combine plot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg116843] Re: 3D of combine plot
- From: Gazi Habiba Akter <gazihabiba02 at>
- Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2011 04:34:08 -0500 (EST)
- References: <ijg5so$94u$>
Hi, I have some question about Fourier.After doing fourier or inverse Fourier i got plot with to respect some range of data(0 t0 1101) which i defined and sampled . data1[c_] = Table[f[t, c], {t, -3, 8, sampleTime}] But i need plots of inverse Fourier result with respect to time(like 0 to 11 or -5 to 5). ClearAll["Global`*"] f[t_, c_] = Exp[-(1 + I*c)*2*t^2]; sampleTime = .01; data1[c_] = Table[f[t, c], {t, -3, 8, sampleTime}]; freq1[c_?NumericQ] := 1/(2*Pi)*Fourier[data1[c]]; s[v_, z_] = Exp[-z/(1 - I*v)/2]; data2[z_] = Table[s[v, z], {v, 0, 2200*Pi, 2*Pi}]; freq2[z_, c_?NumericQ] := InverseFourier[data2[z]*freq1[c]]; data = Table[ Thread[{Range[1101], Abs[freq2[z, 0]]^2/0.0253}], {z, 0, 3}]; ListLinePlot[data, PlotRange -> All] to3D[list_, val_] := Insert[#, val, 2] & /@ list Graphics3D[Riffle[Take[ColorData[1, "ColorList"], 4], Line /@ to3D @@@ Thread[{data, Range[0, 3]}]], Axes -> True, BoxRatios -> {GoldenRatio, 1, 1}] For this case how can i define time , frequency and range. Thanks, Gazi On Feb 16, 5:37 am, Bob Hanlon <hanl... at> wrote: > k = {0, 2, 3, 4}; > > Plot[Evaluate[ > Table[ > Tooltip[2 Sin[x + p] + x, p], > {p, k}]], > {x, 0, 15}] > > ParametricPlot3D[Evaluate[ > Table[ > {x, p, 2 Sin[x + p] + x}, > {p, k}]], > {x, 0, 15}, > BoxRatios -> {GoldenRatio, 1, 1}] > > Bob Hanlon > > ---- Gazi Habiba Akter <gazihabib... at> wrote: > > ============= > Hi, > I have 4 plots for different value of k (0,2,3,4). I combined all > plots by Show. But i want the combine plot in 3D (in simple form).How > can i get this.i use Mathematica 7. > > Thanks, > Gazi