- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg116874] TransformedDistribution
- From: Jagra <jagra24891 at>
- Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 05:56:52 -0500 (EST)
I have developed some code to generate random variates from the product of a LogNormalDistribution and a StableDistribution: LNStableRV[{\[Alpha]_, \[Beta]_, \[Gamma]_, \[Sigma]_, \[Delta]_}, n_] := Module[{LNRV, SDRV, LNSRV}, LNRV = RandomVariate[LogNormalDistribution[Log[\[Gamma]], \[Sigma]], n]; SDRV = RandomVariate[ StableDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Gamma], \[Sigma]], n]; LNRV * SDRV + \[Delta] ] (* Note the delta serves as a location parameter *) I think this works fine: LNStableRV[{1.5, 1, 1, 0.5, 1}, 50000]; Histogram[%, Automatic, "ProbabilityDensity", PlotRange -> {{-4, 6}, All}, ImageSize -> 250] ListPlot[%%, Joined -> True, PlotRange -> All] Now I'd like to create a TransformedDistribution along the same lines so that I can use PDF[], CDF[], etc. on this custom distribution and easily do plots and other analysis. Extrapolating from an example in Documentation Center > TransformedDistribution: \[ScriptCapitalD] = TransformedDistribution[ u v, {u \[Distributed] ExponentialDistribution[1/2], v \[Distributed] ExponentialDistribution[1/3]}]; I've tried this: LogNormalStableDistribution[\[Alpha]_, \[Beta]_, \[Gamma]_, \ \[Sigma]_, \[Delta]_] := Module[{u, v}, TransformedDistribution[ u * v + \[Delta], {u \[Distributed] LogNormalDistribution[Log[\[Gamma]], \[Sigma]], v \[Distributed] StableDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Gamma], \[Sigma]]}] ]; \[ScriptCapitalD] = LogNormalStableDistribution[1.5, 1, 1, 0.5, 1] Which gives me this: TransformedDistribution[ 1 + \[FormalX]1 \[FormalX]2, {\[FormalX]1 \[Distributed] LogNormalDistribution[0, 0.5], \[FormalX]2 \[Distributed] StableDistribution[1, 1.5, 1, 1, 0.5]}] But when I try to plot a PDF of the distribution it never seems to finish (granted I haven't let it run more than 10 minutes so far): Plot[PDF[\[ScriptCapitalD], x], {x, -4, 6}] (* This should plot over the same range as the Histogram above *) So, some questions: Does my function: LogNormalStableDistribution[] make sense to do this kind of thing? If yes do I: Just need to let the Plot[] run longer? Change it somehow? What can I do to make it run faster? If not: Do I need to approach this in a different way? Use MixtureDistribution? Use Something else? Any ideas appreciated. Best, J