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Re: Finding Clusters

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg117106] Re: Finding Clusters
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 06:06:59 -0500 (EST)

m = {{x -> 9.95043, y -> 0.201587}, {x -> -0.0507389,
    y -> 0.39451}, {x -> -0.0502288 + 0.192544 I,
    y -> 0.199992 - 2.42154*10^-6 I}, {x -> -0.0502288 - 0.192544 I,
    y -> 0.199992 + 2.42154*10^-6 I}, {x -> -0.0507405,
    y -> 0.394519}, {x -> -0.0502287 + 0.192544 I,
    y -> 0.2}, {x -> -0.0502287 - 0.192544 I,
    y -> 0.2}, {x -> -0.0507405, y -> 0.00548135}};

m2 = {x, y} /. m

{{9.95043, 0.201587}, {-0.0507389, 0.39451}, {-0.0502288 + 0.192544 I,
   0.199992 - 2.42154*10^-6 I}, {-0.0502288 - 0.192544 I,
  0.199992 + 2.42154*10^-6 I}, {-0.0507405,
  0.394519}, {-0.0502287 + 0.192544 I, 0.2}, {-0.0502287 - 0.192544 I,
   0.2}, {-0.0507405, 0.00548135}}

m3 = m[[All, All, 2]];

m2 == m3


Bob Hanlon

---- "Martin Vavpoti=C4=8D" <martin.vavpotic at> wrote:

Hello everyone.

I have a large array of numbers (1000 =D72). I wish to find clusters in
that mesh of numbers but the FindClusters method is giving me a hard
time. I think it's because of those non-numeric leftovers from NSolve
(x -> and y ->).

{{x -> 9.95043, y -> 0.201587}, {x -> -0.0507389,
  y -> 0.39451}, {x -> -0.0502288 + 0.192544 I,
  y -> 0.199992 - 2.42154*10^-6 I}, {x -> -0.0502288 - 0.192544 I,
  y -> 0.199992 + 2.42154*10^-6 I}, <<992>>, {x -> -0.0507405,
  y -> 0.394519}, {x -> -0.0502287 + 0.192544 I,
  y -> 0.2}, {x -> -0.0502287 - 0.192544 I,
  y -> 0.2}, {x -> -0.0507405, y -> 0.00548135}}

I know that if you write something like %[[1,2,2]] you get only the
numbers but I have a whole array here. How do I get the whole array to
lose those y -> ?

Help anyone?

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