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Notebook interface and Wolfram-Alpha button [solved]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg117130] Notebook interface and Wolfram-Alpha button [solved]
  • From: Didier laplot <didier.laplot at>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 06:11:21 -0500 (EST)

In case it would interest somebody someday, this is how I got rid of
the Wolfram-Alpha/free-input form button put by default in a notebook
with the Default StyleSheet by Mathematica version 8 (I am using the
Mac version, but it should be similar on Windows):
The code for displaying the annoying button is in the StyleSheet
Default.nb (and probably in the other Wolfram StyleSheets - I haven't
looked). I have opened the StyleSheet in a text editor and replaced,
in the Style Environment Names section:
  "FEExpressions", "CellInsertionMenu"]
I saved the file in the text editor, opened it in Mathematica 8 and
saved it from Mathematica as Default.nb. I then copied this modified
file to the StyleSheets folder inside the Mathematica application
Now my newly created notebooks with the Default StyleSheet do not show
the plus sign button for Wolfram-Alpha and I am back to the clean
old interface. So far everything works as expected, no crashes. We'll

Many thanks for all the helpful replies received.

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