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Re: get a, b from numbers in the form a+b Pi

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg119138] Re: get a, b from numbers in the form a+b Pi
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 06:22:58 -0400 (EDT)

nums = {1/2 (-2 + Pi), -2 + (3 Pi)/4, -(11/3) + (5 Pi)/4, 
   5/48 (-64 + 21 Pi), -(61/5) + (63 Pi)/16, -(338/15) + (231 Pi)/32};

nums /. {Plus -> List, Pi -> 1}

{{-1, 1/2}, {-2, 3/4}, {-(11/3), 5/4}, {-(20/3), 35/16}, {-(61/5), 
   {-(338/15), 231/32}}

(List @@@ Expand[nums]) /. Pi -> 1

{{-1, 1/2}, {-2, 3/4}, {-(11/3), 5/4}, {-(20/3), 35/16}, {-(61/5), 
   {-(338/15), 231/32}}

{#[[1]], #[[2]]/Pi} & /@ Expand[nums]

{{-1, 1/2}, {-2, 3/4}, {-(11/3), 5/4}, {-(20/3), 35/16}, {-(61/5), 
   {-(338/15), 231/32}}

#/{1, Pi} & /@ (List @@@ Expand[nums])

{{-1, 1/2}, {-2, 3/4}, {-(11/3), 5/4}, {-(20/3), 35/16}, {-(61/5), 
   {-(338/15), 231/32}}

% == %% == %%% == %%%%


Bob Hanlon

---- "1.156" <rob at> wrote: 

I have lists  of numbers (Mathematica output) all numerically in the 
form a + b*Pi and I'm trying to extract the values of a and b for 
further work.

Here's an example of the best I've been able to do so far:

nums={1/2 (-2+\[Pi]),-2+(3 \[Pi])/4,-(11/3)+(5 \[Pi])/4,5/48 (-64+21 
\[Pi]),-(61/5)+(63 \[Pi])/16,-(338/15)+(231 \[Pi])/32};

When I run this line of code 4 of the six input numbers give me the 
{a,b} I'm looking for but the first and fourth entries fail because the 
form isn't right. Possibly I could patch this scheme to look for a small 
finite set of possibilities of input number form but I suspect I may a 
long way from attacking this problem correctly.

Can someone offer some other ideas on how to pull this off? Many thanks 
for looking at this. Rob
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