Re: ViewPoint selector (Stan Wagon's)
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg119290] Re: ViewPoint selector (Stan Wagon's)
- From: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>
- Date: Sun, 29 May 2011 07:36:49 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <irntfc$sni$> <irqlp5$e90$>
- Reply-to: nma at
On 5/28/2011 4:20 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote: Just added a tiny improvement to the above (added labels to the slides). ------------------------------- Manipulate[ ( title=Style[Grid[{ {"ViewPoint = ",s[r Cos[\[Theta] Degree]],s[r Sin[\[Theta] Degree]],s[z]}}, Frame->All, Spacings->{1,1}],14 ]; Plot3D[f[x,y],{x,-2,2},{y,-2.5,2.5}, Ticks->All, AxesLabel->{"x","y","z"}, BoxRatios->{4,5,3}, Ticks->{{0,2},Range[-2,2],Range[0,3]}, SphericalRegion->True, ViewPoint->Dynamic[{r Cos[\[Theta] Degree],r Sin[\[Theta] Degree],z}], PlotLabel->title, ImageSize->300, ImagePadding->{{10,10},{10,35}}] ), {{\[Theta],0,"\[Theta]"},0,360,Appearance->"Labeled"}, {{r,1},0,100,Appearance->"Labeled"}, {{z,1},-100,100,Appearance->"Labeled"}, Initialization:> ( f[x_,y_]:=(x^2+3 y^2) E^(1-x^2-y^2); s[n_] := NumberForm[Chop[n], {6,3}, NumberSigns->{"-","+"}, NumberPadding->{"0","0"}, SignPadding->True]; ) ] ----------------------------------------- -Nasser