Oblique coordinates for ContourPlots and Plot3D
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg119302] Oblique coordinates for ContourPlots and Plot3D
- From: Francisco Miguel Morales Sanchez <fmiguel.morales at gm.uca.es>
- Date: Sun, 29 May 2011 07:39:11 -0400 (EDT)
Hi everybody: I am new in this group and just found it, so I do not know if this or a similar question was solved before here and if it is easy to solve. I am trying to make a kind of ternary plot of a function, so plotting x vs y adding the excemption x+y<1 I am able to get what I need, since I consider the line joining x=0,y=1 my z axis for a AxByCz mix where x +y+z=1. I did not close my task since these graphs are often presented with an equilateral triangular shape base and my graphs look with x and y axes having the coomon 90=BA between them for cartesian coordinates. Well, I found that a 3D object can be presented with a different "aparent angle" by using oblique coordinates with "Affine" or "Geometric Transformation", I copy bellow the example for a transformation applied to a 3D shape, a cuboid, found in Wolfram documentation: In[1]:= gr = {Cuboid[], AbsolutePointSize[10], Opacity[1], {Magenta, Point[{0, 0, 0}]}, {Green, Point[{1, 1, 1}]}}; In[2]:= Graphics3D[{{Opacity[.35], Blue, gr}, GeometricTransformation[{Opacity[.85], Red, gr}, {{{.8, .5, .5}, {0, .8, .5}, {0, 0, .8}}, {.5, .5, 0}}]}, Boxed -> False] MY QUESTION IS, WHY CAN I NOT MAKE THE SAME FOR A 3DPLOT OR A COUNTOURPLOT?, IF I FOLLOW THE SAME WAY I HAVE NOT OUTPUT, I WOULD BE VERY GRATEFUL IF YOU COULD HELP ME!, THANKS IN ADVANCE. ps: A simple example not working: In1: A=Plot3D[Sin[x + y^2], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}] In2: Graphics3D[{GeometricTransformation[A, {{{.8, .5, .5}, {0, .8, . 5}, {0, 0, .8}}, {.5, .5, 0}}]}]