Banzhaf Index Code
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg122607] Banzhaf Index Code
- From: Taylor Borcyk <tborcyk1 at>
- Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 03:45:32 -0500 (EST)
- Delivered-to:
I found a code that computes Banzhaf Indices and I'm having trouble interpreting how the code works. Help? GenBanz [ quota_, weight_] := Module[{number = Length[weight], quota1 = quota - 1, c = Table[ 0, {quota + 1}], i, j, swings = Table[0, {Length[weight]}], cs, weightT}, c[[1]] = 1; For[ i = 1, i <= number, i++, For[j = quota1, j >= weight[[i]], j--, c[[j + 1]] += c[[j + 1 - weight[[i]] ]] ]]; For[ j = 1, j <= quota1, j++, c[[j + 1]] += c[[j]]]; For[ i = 1, i <= number, i++, cs = -2; weightT = weight[[i]]; weightSum = quota1 - weightT; swings[[i]] = c[[quota]]; While[ weightSum >= 0, swings[[i]] += cs * c[[weightSum + 1]]; cs = - cs; weightSum -= weightT ] ]; Return[ swings] ]; Banzhaf[ quota_, weights_] := Module[{swings = GenBanz[ quota, weights]}, Return[ 100.0 * swings / Apply[Plus, swings]]]