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Re: Problem:a texture on only one face of a Polyhedron

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg122838] Re: Problem:a texture on only one face of a Polyhedron
  • From: Yves Klett <yves.klett at>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 07:33:59 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <j9irn2$8f1$>


the following is straight from the documentation of Texture (Neat 
Examples) with Opacity of EdgeForm set to 1, because otherwise the 
textures are not actually displayed on my machine. Perhaps you can crib 
some of the code.

  Graphics3D[{Specularity[White, 20],
      ExampleData[{"ColorTexture", "WhiteMarble"}], {128, 128}]],
     Opacity[1]], (Append[#1, {VertexTextureCoordinates ->
          With[{n = Length[First[#1]]},
           Table[1/2 {Cos[2 \[Pi] i/n], Sin[2 \[Pi] i/n]} + {1/2,
              1/2}, {i, 0, n - 1}]]}] &) /@
     Flatten[Normal[PolyhedronData[p, "Faces"]]]},
   Lighting -> "Neutral"], {{p, "RhombicHexecontahedron",
    "polyhedron"}, PolyhedronData[]}]


Am 11.11.2011 11:00, schrieb Roger Bagula:
> The problem is the
> VertexTextureCoordinates ->
> They seem to specify only one face specifically.
> I'd like to get the texture on all the faces.
> Here what runs to give one textured face:
> gm = ExampleData[{"ColorTexture", "WhiteMarble"}];
> v = {{0, 0, -(5/Sqrt[50 - 10 Sqrt[5]])}, {0, 0, 5/Sqrt[
>      50 - 10 Sqrt[5]]}, {-Sqrt[(2/(5 - Sqrt[5]))],
>      0, -(1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])}, {Sqrt[2/(5 - Sqrt[5])], 0, 1/Sqrt[
>      10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]}, {(1 + Sqrt[5])/(
>      2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]), -(1/2), -(1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])}, {(
>      1 + Sqrt[5])/(2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]), 1/
>      2, -(1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])}, {-((1 + Sqrt[5])/(
>       2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])), -(1/2), 1/Sqrt[
>      10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]}, {-((1 + Sqrt[5])/(2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])), 1/2,
>       1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]}, {-((-1 + Sqrt[5])/(
>       2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])), -(1/2) Sqrt[(5 + Sqrt[5])/(
>       5 - Sqrt[5])], -(1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])}, {-((-1 + Sqrt[5])/(
>       2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])),
>      1/2 Sqrt[(5 + Sqrt[5])/(5 - Sqrt[5])], -(1/Sqrt[
>       10 - 2 Sqrt[5]])}, {(-1 + Sqrt[5])/(
>      2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]), -(1/2) Sqrt[(5 + Sqrt[5])/(5 - Sqrt[5])],
>       1/Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]}, {(-1 + Sqrt[5])/(
>      2 Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]), 1/2 Sqrt[(5 + Sqrt[5])/(5 - Sqrt[5])], 1/
>      Sqrt[10 - 2 Sqrt[5]]}};
> i = {{2, 12, 8}, {2, 8, 7}, {2, 7, 11}, {2, 11, 4}, {2, 4, 12}, {5, 9,
>       1}, {6, 5, 1}, {10, 6, 1}, {3, 10, 1}, {9, 3, 1}, {12, 10,
>      8}, {8, 3, 7}, {7, 9, 11}, {11, 5, 4}, {4, 6, 12}, {5, 11, 9}, {6,
>       4, 5}, {10, 12, 6}, {3, 8, 10}, {9, 7, 3}};
> g5 = Graphics3D[{Blue, Opacity[0.5], Specularity[White, 20],
>     Texture[gm],
>     GraphicsComplex[v, Polygon[i],
>      VertexTextureCoordinates ->  {{1, 0}, {1/4 (-1 + Sqrt[5]), Sqrt[
>         5/8 + Sqrt[5]/8]}, {1/4 (-1 - Sqrt[5]), Sqrt[
>         5/8 - Sqrt[5]/8]}, {1/4 (-1 - Sqrt[5]), -Sqrt[
>          5/8 - Sqrt[5]/8]}, {1/4 (-1 + Sqrt[5]), -Sqrt[
>          5/8 + Sqrt[5]/8]}}]}, Boxed ->  False]

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