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Re: How to do quickest

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123055] Re: How to do quickest
  • From: DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 05:33:31 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

Sorry, I had a couple of typos. Correct is:

Clear[x, y]
kk = m /.
    First@Solve[{4 m^2 + 6 m n + n^2 ==
        x, (19 m^2 + 9 m n + n^2) Sqrt[m^2 + n^2] == y}, {m, n}];
Timing[qq = First@Last@Reap@Do[y = x^3 // Sqrt // Round;
       (x^3 - y^2) !=
         0 &&
        (len =
           Length@CoefficientList[MinimalPolynomial[kk][z], z]) < 12 &&
         Sow@{x, y, kk, len}, {x, 2, 3000}]]

{13.5446, {{1942, 85580, -3 Sqrt[2/5], 3}, {2878, 154396, -Sqrt[2],


Clear[x, y]
kk = m /.
    First@Solve[{4 m^2 + 6 m n + n^2 ==
        x, (19 m^2 + 9 m n + n^2) Sqrt[m^2 + n^2] == y}, {m, n}];
Timing[qq =
     Reap@Do[SquareFreeQ@x && (y = x^3 // Sqrt // Round; True) && (
          len = Length@CoefficientList[MinimalPolynomial[kk][z], z]) <
         12 && Sow@{x, y, kk, len}, {x, 2, 3000}]]

{8.47326, {{1942, 85580, -3 Sqrt[2/5], 3}, {2878, 154396, -Sqrt[2],


On Mon, 21 Nov 2011 16:28:08 -0600, DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>  

> Here's your code timed with an upper limit of 3000:
> Timing[Do[y = Round[Sqrt[x^3]];
>    If[(x^3 - y^2) != 0,
>     kk = m /.
>       Solve[{4 m^2 + 6 m n + n^2 ==
>           x, (19 m^2 + 9 m n + n^2) Sqrt[m^2 + n^2] == y}, {m, n}][[1]];
>     ll = CoefficientList[MinimalPolynomial[kk][[1]], #1];
>     lll = Length[ll];
>     If[lll < 12, Print[{x/(x^3 - y^2)^2, kk, x, y, x^3 - y^2}];
>      If[Length[ll] == 3, Print[{kk, x, y}]]]], {x, 2, 3000}]]
> {971/1377495072,3 Sqrt[2/5],1942,85580,52488}
> {3 Sqrt[2/5],1942,85580}
> {1439/117596448,Sqrt[2],2878,154396,15336}
> {Sqrt[2],2878,154396}
> {187.257, Null}
> This is better:
> Clear[x, y]
> kk = m /.
>     First@Solve[{4 m^2 + 6 m n + n^2 ==
>         x, (19 m^2 + 9 m n + n^2) Sqrt[m^2 + n^2] == y}, {m, n}];
> Timing[qq = First@Last@Reap@Do[y = x^3 // Sqrt // Round;
>        (x^3 - y^2) != 0 &&
>         Length@CoefficientList[MinimalPolynomial[kk][z], z] < 12 &&
>         Sow@{x, y, kk, len}, {x, 2, 3000}]]
> {14.0493, {{1942, 85580, -3 Sqrt[2/5], 13}, {2878, 154396, -Sqrt[2],
>     13}}}
> And this, even better:
> Clear[x, y]
> kk = m /.
>     First@Solve[{4 m^2 + 6 m n + n^2 ==
>         x, (19 m^2 + 9 m n + n^2) Sqrt[m^2 + n^2] == y}, {m, n}];
> Timing[qq =
>    First@Last@
>      Reap@Do[SquareFreeQ@x && (y = x^3 // Sqrt // Round; True) &&
>           Length@CoefficientList[MinimalPolynomial[kk][z], z] < 12 &&
>         Sow@{x, y, kk, len}, {x, 2, 3000}]]
> {8.39548, {{1942, 85580, -3 Sqrt[2/5], 13}, {2878, 154396, -Sqrt[2],
>     13}}}
> All this is VERY slow nonetheless. Maybe there's another way to  
> characterize the problem?
> Bobby
> On Mon, 21 Nov 2011 03:29:38 -0600, Artur <grafix at> wrote:
>> Dear Mathematica Gurus,
>> How to do quickest following procedure (which is very slowly):
>> qq = {}; Do[y = Round[Sqrt[x^3]];
>>   If[(x^3 - y^2) != 0,
>>    kk = m /. Solve[{4 m^2 + 6 m n + n^2 ==
>>          x, (19 m^2 + 9 m n + n^2) Sqrt[m^2 + n^2] == y}, {m, n}][[1]];
>>     ll = CoefficientList[MinimalPolynomial[kk][[1]], #1];
>>    lll = Length[ll];
>>    If[lll < 12, Print[{x/(x^3 - y^2)^2, kk, x, y, x^3 - y^2}];
>>     If[Length[ll] == 3, Print[{kk, x, y}]]]], {x, 2, 1000000}];
>>   qq
>> (*Best wishes Artur*)

DrMajorBob at

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