CreateDocument with nested CellGroup problem.
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg121834] CreateDocument with nested CellGroup problem.
- From: Syd Geraghty <sydgeraghty at>
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2011 01:32:53 -0400 (EDT)
- Delivered-to:
Hi all, CreateDocument[ CellGroup[{TextCell[CountryData[#, "Name"], "Section"], ExpressionCell[ GraphicsRow[{CountryData[#, "Shape"], Quiet[DateListPlot[CountryData[#, {{"Population"}, {1970, 2005}}]]]}, Frame -> All, ImageSize -> 600], "Output"]}, Closed] & /@ CountryData["Africa"], WindowTitle -> "Africa", StyleDefinitions -> "Creative/PastelColor.nb"] outputs a document with select information about all the countries in Africa. I wanted to extend it to take any of the continents as an argument but got stuck at trying to make a very simple extension to nest the original cell groups under the title cell "Africa" . After an embarrassing amount of time spent trying many alternatives based on the documentation for nested cells in CellGroup and examples in CreateDocument I could not get the desired result. The code below does not work and it seems that the pure function is not wrapped properly So this is the closest I got: CreateDocument[ CellGroup[{TextCell["Africa", "Title"], CellGroup[{TextCell[CountryData[#, "Name"], "Section"], ExpressionCell[ GraphicsRow[{CountryData[#, "Shape"], Quiet[ DateListPlot[CountryData[#, {{"Population"}, {1970, 2005}}]]]}, Frame -> All, ImageSize -> 600], "Output"]}, Closed]}] & /@ CountryData["Africa"], CellGrouping -> Manual, WindowTitle -> "Africa", StyleDefinitions -> "Creative/PastelColor.nb"] The "Title" cell is repeated for every country instead of nesting all the countries. A solution would be greatly appreciated. Cheers .... Syd Syd Geraghty B.Sc, M.Sc. sydgeraghty at Mathematica 8.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (February 23, 2011) ReleaseID: (2063982, 2063639) MacOS X V 10.7.1 Lion MacBook Pro 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 3GB RAM