Table NDSolve Plot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg121883] Table NDSolve Plot
- From: Howard <hcohl at>
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 04:18:59 -0400 (EDT)
- Delivered-to:
Hi. I know this is a basic question, but I am having difficulty finding how to do this in Mathematica. I want to make a plot with multiple solutions of an ordinary differential equation which I want to generate using NDSolve. For instance, let me take k=0.999 h=0.0 n=0.0 s = NDSolve[{(1 - z^2) (1 - k^2 z^2) w''[z] - z (1 + k^2 - 2 k^2 z^2) w'[z] + (h - n (n + 1) k^2 z^2) w[z] == 0, w[2] == 1/2 Log[3], w'[2] == -1/3.}, w, {z, 11/10, 3}] Plot[Evaluate[w[z] /. s], {z, 11/10, 3}, PlotRange -> All] This shows the plot for this function. I would like to generate solutions for say 10 k's, for instance 10 k's between .9 and 1.0 and put them all on the same plot. I'm guessing I can do this with Plot, NDSolve, Table, etc. Can you help me figure out the syntax? Thanks, Howard