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Re: Dynamic evaluation not automatically enabled in CDF documents

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121939] Re: Dynamic evaluation not automatically enabled in CDF documents
  • From: Jacopo Bertolotti <jacopo.bertolotti at>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2011 04:44:41 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

Hi Albert,
You were completely right. Actually the "unsafe" part was exactly the 
call to the PlotLegends package. Why this should be considered unsafe is 
beyond me but I guess it is useless to wonder too much about it. Now I 
just have to find a way to plot something that looks like a colour bar 
without calling for any external package and everything should be fine.

Thank you very much for your help!


On 10/06/2011 10:20 AM, A Retey wrote:
> Am 05.10.2011 10:03, schrieb Jacopo Bertolotti:
>> Dear Mathgroup,
>> Recently I started to use the CDF format from Mathematica to create some
>> physics interactive tutorial but, on the last one I created, I
>> encountered a strange problem. If you download the cdf
>> ( and
>> open it with the offline player you are greeted with the warning that
>> "This file contains potentially unsafe dynamic content". If you press on
>> "Enable Dynamics" then everything works fine.
> If you open the cdf with Mathematica 8, the header (=DockedCell) that it
> shows has also a link which gives details about that security feature.
> There you will find the information that it depends on what
> functionality you use in your cdf-file whether or not that warning is
> shown. If you click on that link  and scroll down the help page that
> opens there is a relatively vague description on what is considered to
> be "unsafe":
> Dynamic content is considered unsafe if it:
>    uses File operations
>    uses interprocess communication via MathLink Mathematica Functions
>    uses JLink or NETLink
>    uses Low-Level Notebook Programming
>    uses data as code by Converting between Expressions and Strings
>    uses Namespace Management
>    uses Options Management
>    uses External Programs
> I didn't inspect your code in detail, but it doesn't look very unsafe to
> me. My guess is that it is the Needs for PlotLegends that causes the
> warning in your case. So if you find a way to avoid the use of
> PlotLegends that might solve your problem.
>> Yet when the cdf is embedded in a webpage
>> ( all
>> the Manipulate[] that make a cdf really worth to use are just disabled
>> and appear as grey boxes.
> I think that this is the default behaviour when shown within the plugin
> when the standalone player would show the "potentially unsafe content"
> warning. If you can't get rid of the warning, your users could still use
> the cdf if they save it to file from the plugin and then open the file
> with the standalone player and allow the potentially unsafe dynamics to
> evaluate. You could put that information into the cdf-file or onto the
> web-page where your users download the cdf-files.
>> What puzzles me is that I did not encounter this problem in my previous
>> attempts and this time I did not do anything very different (apart from
>> the fact that the code is a lot more complex).
> as said above, that might well be the cause for the warning...
>> Does anybody have any idea how to set the dynamics as enabled by default?
> I think that the only solution is to not use anything that is considered
> "unsafe". This might need some experimentation, since I think there is
> no complete list of functions that are considered unsafe. The most
> user-friendly feature would be a tool that would show unsafe content
> with possible alternatives, as the version 5 to version 6 converter, but
> I don't think anything like that does exist...
> hth,
> albert

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