genetic algorithm
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg122018] genetic algorithm
- From: Amy Poole <amy.poole at>
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2011 03:52:23 -0400 (EDT)
- Delivered-to:
Hullo, I wrote a routine that is supposed to be a bit like a genetic algorithm that will minimise a function that requires testing different integer combinations. It works nicely for simple test functions but not for more complex ones and I cannot understand why, I have attached the algorithm and the function that works. I would be interested in your feedback. Amy p.s. The code is quite short, but not very short. geneticAlgorithm[function_, energy_, variables__List, fitControlInt___Integer, fitControlReal___Real] := Module[{lVar, varNames, conList, startList, iterations, sampleSize, mixingFactor, mutationFactor, diversityFactor, sampleMixingFactor, sampleMutationFactor, sampleDiversityFactor, ranList, numTable, pickList, ranPart, sample, replaceList, best, random}, (**assign input values to internal variable names**) (*assign length of variables list*) lVar = Length[{variables}[[1]]]; (*assign input variables names*) varNames = {variables}[[1]]; (*assign constraints*) If[Length[{variables}] > 1, conList = {variables}[[2]]; If[Length[{variables}] > 2, startList = {variables}[[3]] ], conList = Table[1, {n, lVar}] ]; (*assign fitControlInt*) (*iterations of do loop*) iterations = lVar^2 10; (*number of values in sample table*) sampleSize = lVar^2 10; If[Length[{fitControlInt}] > 0, iterations = {fitControlInt}[[1]]; If[Length[{fitControlInt}] > 1, sampleSize = {fitControlInt}[[2]]; ] ]; mixingFactor = 0.9; mutationFactor = 0.01; diversityFactor = 0.05; If[Length[{fitControlReal}] > 0, mixingFactor = {fitControlReal}[[1]]; If[Length[{fitControlReal}] > 1, mutationFactor = {fitControlReal}[[2]]; If[Length[{fitControlReal}] > 2, diversityFactor = {fitControlReal}[[3]] ] ] ]; (*amount of mixing that takes place - the lower the mixingFactor - the less mixing - the factor runs from 0 to 1 and is on a log scale*) sampleMixingFactor := sampleSize^(1 - mixingFactor); (*number of values replaced by random numbers - default is 1%, 0.01*) sampleMutationFactor := sampleSize lVar mutationFactor; (*number of random values added to the test sample - default is 5% of the length of the sample*) sampleDiversityFactor = sampleSize diversityFactor; (**define internal functions**) (*random number list generator*) ranList := RandomInteger /@ conList; (*random table generator*) numTable[func_, numList_] := Reap[function /. Thread[varNames -> Sow[numList]]]; (*random mixing function*) pickList := Table[ {IntegerPart[ 0.1 sampleSize RandomReal[ ExponentialDistribution[sampleMixingFactor]] + 1], n}, {n, lVar}]; (*random single position generator*) ranPart := {RandomInteger[{1, sampleSize}], RandomInteger[{1, lVar}]}; (**calculations**) (*calculate initial random set of numbers*) sample = Table[numTable[function, ranList], {n, sampleSize}]; (*if starting values are included add these to sample*) If[Length[{variables}] > 2, PrependTo[sample, numTable[function, startList]]]; sample = Sort[sample]; Clear[startList]; (**Make new sample using best values from old sample**) Do[ (*Take the best five percent of the sample*) best = sample[[1 ;; IntegerPart[sampleSize 0.05] + 1, 2, 1, 1]]; (*Make the mixed table - nb larger table is made when the mixing factor is small*) sample = Table[Extract[sample[[All, 2, 1, 1]], pickList], {n, (2 - mixingFactor) sampleSize}]; (*Make a table of random postitions (the number of positions is \ described by the mutation factor)*) replaceList = Table[ranPart, {n, sampleMutationFactor}]; (*assign to these random positions random numbers that obey the \ constraints for that position*) replaceList = Table[replaceList[[n]] -> ranList[[replaceList[[n, 2]] ]], {n, sampleMutationFactor} ]; (*insert mutations into the sample*) sample = ReplacePart[sample, replaceList]; (*Make a random set of values to append to the sample (the size is \ described by the diversity factor)*) random = Table[ranList, {n, IntegerPart[sampleDiversityFactor]}]; sample = DeleteDuplicates[Join[best, random, sample]]; If[sampleSize > Length[sample], sampleSize = Length[sample]]; Clear[best, random]; sample = Table[numTable[function, sample[[n]]], {n, sampleSize}]; sample = Sort[sample], {i, iterations}]; {sample[[1, 1]], sample[[1, 2, 1, 1]]} ] input : gA[function[variables], variables, optional lists (constraints, starting values), optional integers (number of iterations, size of initial sample ), optional reals (mixing coefficient, mutation coefficient, diversity coeffcient)] Example that works: func[x__] := Total[{x}]; a = b = c = 10 geneticAlgorithm[ func[a, b, c, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5], {v1, v2, v3, v4, v5}, {1, 0, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, 100, 1000, 0.95]