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count the number of sub-list in a list

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg122233] count the number of sub-list in a list
  • From: Gy Peng <hitphyopt at>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 07:28:15 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

Dear All,

I have a list like:

{{{{-0.00201671, 0.87571, 0.482832}, {-0.839678,
    0.260735, -0.476401}, {-0.543081, -0.406384,
    0.734789}}, {{-0.87571, -0.00201671,
    0.482832}, {-0.260735, -0.839678, -0.476401}, {0.406384, -0.543081,
0.734789}}, {{0.00201671, -0.87571,
    0.482832}, {0.839678, -0.260735, -0.476401}, {0.543081, 0.406384,
    0.734789}}, {{0.87571, 0.00201671, 0.482832}, {0.260735,
    0.839678, -0.476401}, {-0.406384, 0.543081,
    0.734789}}}, {{{0.839678, -0.260735, 0.476401}, {-0.00201671,
    0.87571, 0.482832}, {-0.543081, -0.406384, 0.734789}}, {{0.260735,
     0.839678, 0.476401}, {-0.87571, -0.00201671,
    0.482832}, {0.406384, -0.543081, 0.734789}}, {{-0.839678,
    0.260735, 0.476401}, {0.00201671, -0.87571, 0.482832}, {0.543081,
    0.406384, 0.734789}}, {{-0.260735, -0.839678, 0.476401}, {0.87571,
     0.00201671, 0.482832}, {-0.406384, 0.543081,
    0.734789}}}, {{{0.00201671, -0.87571, -0.482832}, {0.839678, -0.260735,
0.476401}, {-0.543081, -0.406384, 0.734789}}, {{0.87571,
    0.00201671, -0.482832}, {0.260735, 0.839678,
    0.476401}, {0.406384, -0.543081, 0.734789}}, {{-0.00201671,
    0.87571, -0.482832}, {-0.839678, 0.260735, 0.476401}, {0.543081,
    0.734789}}, {{-0.87571, -0.00201671, -0.482832}, {-0.260735, -0.839678,
0.476401}, {-0.406384, 0.543081, 0.734789}}}, {{{-0.839678,
     0.260735, -0.476401}, {0.00201671, -0.87571, -0.482832}, {-0.543081,
    0.734789}}, {{-0.260735, -0.839678, -0.476401}, {0.87571,
    0.00201671, -0.482832}, {0.406384, -0.543081,
    0.734789}}, {{0.839678, -0.260735, -0.476401}, {-0.00201671,
    0.87571, -0.482832}, {0.543081, 0.406384, 0.734789}}, {{0.260735,
    0.839678, -0.476401}, {-0.87571, -0.00201671, -0.482832}, {-0.406384,
0.543081, 0.734789}}}}

I consider each of {{*, *, *}, {*, *, *}, {*,*,*}} is one single element, so
how could I count how many element in the whole list? Thank you very much!


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