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Re: Coin Toss Sim

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg122388] Re: Coin Toss Sim
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 06:30:23 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

On 10/26/11 at 5:39 PM, poolebc221 at (pooleman133) wrote:

>I am new to mathematica and am trying to make a coin flipping
>simulation however mo code isn't working. When I tell it to count
>the number of head it gives me a bad count. The code I am using is
>listed below any help would be greatly appreciated.

>y[n_] := Block[{g, s},  g := RandomChoice[{"head", "tail"}, n];
>s := Count[g, "head"];
>{g, s}

You don't say what you mean by a "bad count". When I run your
code it seems to be working as I would expect. That is:

In[1]:= y[n_] := Block[{g, s},
   g := RandomChoice[{"head", "tail"}, n];
   s := Count[g, "head"];
   {g, s}]

In[2]:= y[10]

Out[2]= {{tail,tail,head,tail,head,tail,head,head,tail,tail},6}

Note, I would implement this simulation as:

n = 100;
g = RandomInteger[1,n];

Assuming I needed I needed a set of heads/tails to do further
calculations on. If I only needed the sum, i.e., counts for
heads, I would code the simulation as


=46or small values of n, there won't be much difference between
these. But for very large values of n, I believe you will find
RandomInteger to be faster than RandomChoice.

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