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Re: List plot with random size for each point

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg122512] Re: List plot with random size for each point
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr357 at>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 04:24:47 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <>

A good approach; however, as written they will fail for numberOfPoints = 4

Recommend that you qualify one or more patterns to being numeric, e.g.,

Graphics[particle /. {label_?NumericQ, size_, x_,
    y_} :> {AbsolutePointSize@size, Point@{x, y}, White,
    Text[label, {x, y}]}, Frame -> True,
 PlotRange -> {{-12, 213}, {-12, 213}}, ImageSize -> 500]

Bob Hanlon

On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 1:55 PM, DrMajorBob <btreat1 at> wrote:
> Or equivalently,
> numberOfPoints = 20;
> particle =
>  Table[{n, RandomInteger[{15, 25}], RandomInteger[{0, 200}],
>    RandomInteger[{0, 200}]}, {n, numberOfPoints}];
> Graphics[particle /. {label_, size_, x_,
>    y_} :> {AbsolutePointSize@size, Point@{x, y}, White,
>    Text[label, {x, y}]}, Frame -> True,
>  PlotRange -> {{-12, 213}, {-12, 213}}, ImageSize -> 500]
> or
> numberOfPoints = 20;
> particle =
>  Table[{n,
>    RandomInteger[{15, 25}], {RandomInteger[{0, 200}],
>     RandomInteger[{0, 200}]}}, {n, numberOfPoints}];
> Graphics[particle /. {label_, size_,
>    pt_List} :> {AbsolutePointSize@size, Point@pt, White,
>    Text[label, pt]}, Frame -> True,
>  PlotRange -> {{-12, 213}, {-12, 213}}, ImageSize -> 500]
> I find those more transparent.
> Bobby
> On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 06:13:56 -0500, Bob Hanlon <hanlonr357 at> wrote:
>> numberOfPoints = 20;
>> particle = Table[
>>   {n, RandomInteger[{15, 25}],
>>    RandomInteger[{0, 200}], RandomInteger[{0, 200}]},
>>   {n, numberOfPoints}];
>> Graphics[
>>  {AbsolutePointSize[#[[2]]], Point[#[[{3, 4}]]],
>>    White, Text[#[[1]], #[[{3, 4}]]]} & /@
>>  particle,
>>  Frame -> True,
>>  PlotRange -> {{-12, 213}, {-12, 213}},
>>  ImageSize -> 500]
>> Bob Hanlon
>> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 5:36 AM, Rudresh <rudresh at> wrote:
>>> I want to plot an array of numbers on a 2d plot, however each point has a
>>> random number associated with it which should be its size on the plot. Can
>>> this be done in mathematica and if so how. My code as of now is:
>>> ========================
>>> particle = Array[f, {200, 4}];
>>> position = Array[g, {200, 2}];
>>> n = 1;
>>> While  [n < 201,
>>>       particle[[n, 1]] = n;
>>>       particle[[n, 2]] = RandomInteger[{15, 25}];
>>>       particle[[n, 3]] = RandomInteger[{0, 200}];
>>>       particle[[n, 4]] = RandomInteger[{0, 200}];
>>>  position[[n, 1]] = particle[[n, 3]];
>>>  position[[n, 2]] = particle[[n, 4]];
>>>  n++
>>>  ];
>>> ListPlot[position, PlotStyle -> PointSize[0.01],
>>>  PlotRange -> {{0, 200}, {0, 200}}]
>>> ========================
>>> I want particle[[n,2]] to be the size of position[[n,1],[n,2]]
> --
> DrMajorBob at

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