Re: How create new style sheet- Mathematica 8
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg121471] Re: How create new style sheet- Mathematica 8
- From: Nguyen Van Falk <nvanfalk at>
- Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 05:48:31 -0400 (EDT)
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- References: <j4se1b$smk$>
On Sep 15, 1:46 am, John Fultz <jfu... at> wrote: > Mathematica *will* list it in the menu. But Mathematica's menus have to be > refreshed. Restarting Mathematica is the easiest way to do that. Also, you can > evaluate the following: > > MathLink`CallFrontEnd[FrontEnd`ResetMenusPacket[{Automatic, Automatic}]] > > The Install dialog invokes that command behind the scenes when installing > stylesheets. And, to answer another question which was raised...installing is > basically just saving a copy of the style notebook in the right directory and > refreshing the menus. Nothing more exotic than that. > > FWIW, I absolutely agree that the user experience of working with stylesheets > could be much improved, and have pushed hard to make that happen. But there's > always some give and take in the software development process...many other fine > features and bug fixes have been implemented while this one has waited a bit. > > Sincerely, > > John Fultz > jfu... at > User Interface Group > Wolfram Research, Inc. > > > > > > > > On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 05:13:24 -0400 (EDT), Murray Eisenberg wrote: > > Re your 1): you give the stylesheet a name when you use the Install > > button. > > > Nothing I know would prohibit renaming any (non-OS system) file in the > > Finder, assuming you reset any permissions, etc., that might otherwise > > inhibit doing that. But then Mathematica would not still list it on the > > Style Sheet menu. > > > On 9/13/11 7:21 AM, AES wrote: > >> In article<j4kfej$kc... at>, > >> John Fultz<jfu... at> wrote: > > >>> On Sun, 11 Sep 2011 07:29:17 -0400 (EDT), Murray Eisenberg wrote: > >>>> How does one create (and save!) a new style sheet in Mathematica 8? > > >>>> One way that used to work in earlier versions was: > > >>>> 1. Open a new notebook, say Untitled-1.nb. > > >>>> 2. From the menu, select Format> Edit StyleSheet, which pops up a > >>>> "Private Style Defintions for Untitled-1.nb" style sheet. > > >>>> 3. Edit that popped-up style sheet. > > >>> At this point, press the Install button on the toolbar. That will > >>> save it on > >>> your stylesheet path where it will automatically be found and > >>> populated into > >>> the > >>> menus. > > >> Thanks to both posers for terse and useful recipe here. Two brief > >> extensions: > > >> 1) I'm assuming one can give this new stylesheet a new name before > >> (or while?) installing it? Can one also rename it, using the Mac > >> Finder, afterwards? > > >> 2) Suppose you want to further edit this stylesheet later on. Is the > >> recommended procedure just to navigate to it (in the FInder, if you're > >> on a Mac); open it (as a notebook); edit it; then re-install it? John: I hope this will become a higher priority in the future. I looked at how I could implement CDF in my work and share interactive documents with my coworkers, but the style sheet challenge has become a factor. My employer, a Fortune 100 company, has standards for the format and sharing of documentation. I have not been able to reformat the style sheets to conform to our corporate standards so I stopped using CDF. Thanks, NVF