NonlinearModelFit and Complex Data
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg126244] NonlinearModelFit and Complex Data
- From: Maria <rouelli at>
- Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 05:33:05 -0400 (EDT)
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Hi, I am trying to fit complex data to a complex function. Here's a snippet: data = Import[""]; fitData = Table[{data[[i, 1]], data[[i, 2]] + I*data[[i, 3]]}, {i, 1, Dimensions[data][[1]]}]; fitEqn[x_] := (aR + I aI) + ( bR + I bI)*(Abs[x - 79800.3]/ 1585.02) - ( par1 (x - par1))/((cR + I cI)*((x - par1)^2 - I par2/2 (x - par1) - 435093.75^2)); fit = NonlinearModelFit[fitData, fitEqn[x] , {aR, aI, bR, bI, cR, cI, par1, par2}, x, WorkingPrecision -> 100, MaxIterations -> 10000] This gives me an error: "The function value {....} is not a list of real numbers..." On the other hand, FindFit gives me the same error but it works quite well by setting NormFunction -> (Norm[Abs[#^2]] &): (* This works *) fit = FindFit[fitData, fitEqn[x] , {aR, aI, bR, bI, cR, cI, par1, par2}, x, NormFunction -> (Norm[Abs[#^2]] &), WorkingPrecision -> 100, MaxIterations -> 10000] And I get a fairly nice fit: Show[ListPlot[ Table[{data[[i]][[1]], data[[i]][[2]]}, {i, 1, Dimensions[data][[1]]}], PlotStyle -> Red], Plot [Re[fitEqn[x] /. fit], {x, data[[Dimensions[data][[1]]]][[1]], data[[1, 1]]}, PlotStyle -> Blue]] Show[ListPlot[Table[{data[[i]][[1]],data[[i]][[3]]},{i,1,Dimensions[\ data][[1]]}],PlotStyle->Red],Plot \ [Im[fitEqn[x]/.fit],{x,data[[Dimensions[data][[1]]]][[1]],data[[1,1]]}\ ,PlotStyle->Blue]] However, I can't do the same modification to NonlinearModelFit(which I prefer to use since I need the additional information on fitting, e.g. ANOVA). Any tips on making it work? Thanks, Maria
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Distinquishing #'s in nested pure functions
- From: Bob Hanlon <>
- Distinquishing #'s in nested pure functions
- From: "Dave Snead" <>
- Re: Distinquishing #'s in nested pure functions