Re: Automatic Numbering in Mathematica
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg124721] Re: Automatic Numbering in Mathematica
- From: "Kevin J. McCann" <Kevin.McCann at>
- Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 04:56:37 -0500 (EST)
- Delivered-to:
- References: <20542650.1231759879279.JavaMail.root@m02> <gkkf59$grh$> <jgaumu$ev1$>
On 2/1/2012 3:55 AM, pabloaperezfernandez at wrote: > If you have figured out how to do this, I would appreciate learning about it. I cannot figure out how to set custom equation numbers/labels. > This is taken from my style sheet for a cell type NumberedEquation. The key entries for numbering are the CellFrameLabels and CounterIncrements. The latter designates a counter name so more than one type of numbered object can have its own numbering. I should also say that I am not an expert on this. Sadly, Wolfram has still, after many many years and requests, not provided adequate documentation for StyleSheet's. Perhaps someone at Wolfram who reads this could explain why. Kevin Cell[StyleData["NumberedEquation"], CellMargins->{{60, 12}, {7, 7}}, ConversionRules->{"HTML" -> {{"", ""}, {"<table class='NumberedEquation'><tr><td>", Automatic, IncludeCount["</td><td class='NumberedEquationLabel'>(`1`)</td></tr></table>", "NumberedEquation"]}}}, TaggingRules->{"CounterSettings" -> { "CounterFormat" -> {"NumberedEquation"}, "CounterTarget" -> "Cell", "XRefPrefix" -> "Equation"}}, TextClipboardType->"InputText", CellHorizontalScrolling->True, CellFrameLabels->{{None, Cell[ TextData[{"(", CounterBox["NumberedEquation"], ")"}], "NumberedEquation"]}, {None, None}}, DefaultFormatType->TraditionalForm, TextAlignment->Center, CounterIncrements->"NumberedEquation", MenuSortingValue->1400, MenuCommandKey->"8", SingleLetterItalics->False]