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Re: Why does the order of down values come back?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg124898] Re: Why does the order of down values come back?
  • From: A Retey <awnl at>
  • Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 06:37:15 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <jgo0e9$a2k$> <jgqpna$n12$>


>> In[]:= f[0] := 0;f[1] := 1;f[n_] := f[n - 1] + f[n - 2]
>> In[]:= DownValues[f]
>> Out[]:= {HoldPattern[f[0]] :>  0, HoldPattern[f[1]] :>  1,
>> HoldPattern[f[n_]] :>  f[n - 1] + f[n - 2]}
>> In[]:= DownValues[f] = Reverse[DownValues[f]]
>> Out[]:= {HoldPattern[f[n_]] :>  f[n - 1] + f[n - 2], HoldPattern[f[1]] :>
>> 1, HoldPattern[f[0]] :>  0}
>> In[]:= DownValues[f]
>> Out[]:= {HoldPattern[f[0]] :>  0, HoldPattern[f[1]] :>  1,
>> HoldPattern[f[n_]] :>  f[n - 1] + f[n - 2]}
>> ====================================================
>> My question is:
>>      Why does the order of down values comes back after reordering?
>> Thanks.
> Because DownValues sorts its output by default. The actual downvalues are
> not, however, sorted; the order is as you set them. To see their actual
> order, use the (undocumented) option:
> DownValues[f, Sort ->  False]

I'm sure that you (Oleksandr) are aware of it, but I doubt the OP is: 
there are actually two sorting activities involved:

1) whenever you add to or change the DownValues, they will be sorted so 
that more specific patterns will be tried before more general ones. I 
don't think there is any way to circumvent this, which probably is 
because the pattern matcher does somehow rely on it.

2) when using DownValues to show what's there, the patterns are by 
default not shown as stored, but are again sorted. This can be avoided 
by using the Sort option. I guess this is supposed to make it easier to 
compare lists of DownValues which would behave identically when used by 
the pattern matcher. AFAIK this sorting will preserve the specific 
before general rule.

In consequence, for your example

f[0] := 0;f[1] := 1;f[n_] := f[n - 1] + f[n - 2]
DownValues[f] = Reverse[DownValues[f]]
DownValues[f, Sort -> False]

will still list the most general pattern as last entry, despite the 
Reverse. In cases where it's not possible to decide about which pattern 
is more specific, it is the order in which you evaluate your definitions 
that defines the order in which they are tried (and listed by 
DownValues), compare e.g.:

g[x_, 1] := 1
g[1, y_] := 2

g[1, y_] := 2
g[x_, 1] := 1



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