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Re: PairedBarChart "Education and Training pay..."

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123947] Re: PairedBarChart "Education and Training pay..."
  • From: DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 02:43:09 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

Oops, Tomas' code depended on definitions from the other post:

labelsrates = {"1.9 %", "2.4 %", "4.0 %", "5.4 %", "7.0 %", "9.2 %",
    "10.3 %", "14.9 %"};
labelsearnings = {"$80,600", "$83,720", "$66,144", "$53,976",
    "$39,884", "$37,024", "$32,552", "$23,088"};

So it DOES work.


On Sun, 01 Jan 2012 15:49:26 -0600, DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>  

> That has errors, including the undefined variables "labelsrates" and  
> "labelsearnings".
> Bobby
> On Sun, 01 Jan 2012 01:27:43 -0600, Tomas Garza <tgarza10 at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sometimes it pays to try direct lower-level programming instead of  
>> using the ready-made graphics, especially when you come to charts. This  
>> allows for more freedom in choosing precisely what you need. Maybe it  
>> looks more laborious, but in the end it is rather straightforward (at  
>> least you can understand what you're doing). I tried my hand with your  
>> example, and produced the following, which seems to work fine:
>> labels = Reverse@{"Some high school,\nno diploma",     "High school  
>> graduate", "Some college,\nno degree",     "Associate degree",  
>> "Bachelor's degree", "Master's degree",     "Professional degree",  
>> "Doctoral degree"};
>> rates = -Reverse at {1.9, 2.4, 4.0, 5.4, 7.0, 9.2, 10.3, 14.9};
>> vmin = Table[i, {i, 0, 7}];
>> hor = Partition[Riffle[rates, vmin], 2];
>> earns = Table[    3.8, {8}] + {80600, 83720, 66144, 53976, 39884,  
>> 37024, 32552,      23088}/5000.;
>> horearns = Partition[Riffle[Reverse@earns, vmin], 2];
>> verts = Table[i, {i, 0.5, 9.5, 1}];
>> mx = Partition[Riffle[Table[0, {9}], verts], 2];
>> mxearns = Partition[Riffle[Table[7.6, {9}], verts], 2];
>> minmx = Partition[Riffle[hor, mx], 2];
>> minmxearns = Partition[Riffle[horearns, mxearns], 2];
>> Graphics[{{Pink, Rectangle[Sequence @@ #]} & /@    minmx, {Green,  
>> Rectangle[Sequence @@ #]} & /@    minmxearns, {Opacity[0.5],     
>> Line[{{0, -0.1}, {0, 7.6}}]}, {Opacity[0.5],    Line[{{7.6, -0.1},  
>> {7.6, 7.6}}]},   Inset[Style[    Grid[List /@ labels,      Spacings ->  
>> {0.5, {2.0, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 1.9, 1.5, 1.4, 1.1}}], 8,   "Label"], {3.7,  
>> 3.5}],   Table[Text[Reverse[labelsrates][[j]], hor[[j]], {1.2, -1}],  
>> {j, 1,     Length[hor]}],    
>> Table[Text[Reverse[labelsearnings][[j]],     horearns[[j]], {-1.2,  
>> -1}], {j, 1, Length[hor]}]},  PlotRange -> {{-17.5, 23}, {-1, 9}},  
>> ImageSize -> 500,  AspectRatio -> 0.5]
>> Hope this helps,
>> -Tomas
>>> Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011 07:04:57 -0500
>>> From: peacenova at
>>> Subject: PairedBarChart "Education and Training pay..."
>>> To: mathgroup at
>>> Dear MathGroup:
>>> I'm attempting to build a chart similar to the one appearing on the
>>> following web page:
>>> The following is what I have done far:
>>> doctoralrate = {0, 1.9}; doctoralearning = {0, 80600};
>>> profdegreerate = {0, 2.4}; profdegreeearning = {0, 83720};
>>> masterdegreerate = {0, 4.0}; masterdegreeearning = {0, 66144};
>>> bachelordegreerate = {0, 5.4}; bachelordegreeearning = {0, 53976};
>>> associatedegreerate = {0, 7.0}; associatedegreeearning = {0,39884};
>>> somecollegerate = {0, 9.2}; somecollegeearning = {0, 37024};
>>> highschoolgradrate = {0, 10.3}; highschoolearning = {0, 32552};
>>> somehighschoolrate = {0, 14.9}; somehighschoolearning = {0, 23088};
>>> labels = {"Some high school, no diploma", "high school graduate",
>>>  "Some college, no degree", "Associate degree", "Bachelor's degree",
>>>  "Master's degree", "Professional degree", "Doctoral degree"};
>>> labelsrates = {"1.9 %", "2.4 %", "4.0 %", "5.4 %", "7.0 %", "9.2 %",
>>>  "10.3 %", "14.9 %"};
>>> labelsearnings = {"$80,600", "$83,720", "$66,144", "$53,976",
>>>  "$39,884", "$37,024", "$32,552", "$23,088"};
>>> scalingfactorrate = 5000;
>>> PairedBarChart[
>>> Reverse[scalingfactorrate {doctoralrate, profdegreerate,
>>>  masterdegreerate, bachelordegreerate, associatedegreerate,
>>>  somecollegerate, highschoolgradrate, somehighschoolrate}],
>>> Reverse[{doctoralearning, profdegreeearning, masterdegreeearning,
>>>  bachelordegreeearning, associatedegreeearning, somecollegeearning,
>>>  highschoolearning, somehighschoolearning}],
>>> ChartLayout -> "Stacked", ChartStyle -> "Rainbow",
>>> BarSpacing -> Large,
>>> ChartLabels -> {Placed[{"Unemployment Rate in 2010 (%)",
>>>  "Median Earnings in 2010 ($)"}, Above],
>>>  Placed[labels, "CenterAxis"], None}, AxesLabel -> "Education",
>>> ImageSize -> Large, PlotLabel -> "Education and Training pay...",
>>> ChartElementFunction -> "GlassRectangle", Axes -> {False, True}]
>>> I'm having difficulties inserting the labelsrates, outside and to the  
>>> left of
>>> the Unemployment rate bars. Similarly; I want to insert the  
>>> labelsearnings, outside and to the right of the Median Earnings bars.
>>> I'm also having difficulties separating the two vertical axes so that,  
>>> the education level labels fit  properly between the axes.
>>> Thank you for your help!
>>> Gilmar Rodr=EDguez Pierluissi

DrMajorBob at

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