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Re: Using Mathematica output in other programs

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123974] Re: Using Mathematica output in other programs
  • From: A Retey <awnl at>
  • Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2012 05:28:02 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <jdrn77$8si$>

> I would like to use formulae as elements of mindmaps for my studies in
> Mindjet Mindmanager and would need to be able to copy formatted output as
> image file, as Mindmanager does not understand symbolic language.
> Can I copy Mathematica output as image file (I have not found an option to
> do that)

You can either select the cell with your formula, use "Cell" -> "Convert 
To" -> "Metafile" (good choice for windows) or "PDF" (probably best 
choice on a Mac, depending on the program you copy to) or "Bitmap" 
(should work everywhere but probably with quality loss). Then select the 
formula (which will show the orange frame around the graphics) and copy 
with either keyboard shortcut or from the menu. Then you should be able 
to paste into the other application. Note that all this works only "per 
cell" so you can't copy formulae within a text cell this way (except 
together with all the text, of course).

> or would I have to do this with equation writers like Math Magic?

that depends a lot on how familiar you are with Mathematica and other 
programs. It also depends how you derive your formulae: if these are 
generated or are used later within Mathematica then of course it would 
be a waste of time to recreate them in another program. If you type them 
just for display and adding to Mindjet Mindmanager, choose whatever 
seems most convenient to you. If you see the need to transfer formulae 
from one program to another you could also have a look at MathML which 
is a standard format which should allow formulae to be interchanged 
between programms (it is recommended by W3C and can be embedded in 
(X)HTML documents).



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