Help! Mathematica 7 notebook is not working in Mathematica 8
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg124082] Help! Mathematica 7 notebook is not working in Mathematica 8
- From: "Michael B. Heaney" <mheaney at>
- Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2012 04:25:12 -0500 (EST)
- Delivered-to:
This code ran fine in Mathematica 7, but after upgrading to Mathematica 8 the plot is bank. What is wrong? In[1]:= Clear[x, y, t, xi, yi, ti, xf, yf, tf, =CF=83, m, =E2=88=87]; psi[x_, y_, t_] := ((2*=CF=80)^(1/2)*(=CF=83 + (I*=E2=88=87*(t - ti))/(2*m*=CF=83)))^-1* Exp[-(((x - xi)^2 + (y - yi)^2)/(4*=CF=83^2 + (2*I*=E2=88=87*(t - ti))/m))]; psicc[x_, y_, t_] := ((2*=CF=80)^(1/2)*(=CF=83 - (I*=E2=88=87*(t - ti))/(2*m*=CF=83)))^-1* Exp[-(((x - xi)^2 + (y - yi)^2)/(4*=CF=83^2 - (2*I*=E2=88=87*(t - ti))/m))]; Clear[x, y, t, xf, yf, tf, =CF=83, m, =E2=88=87]; psipsicc1 = psi[x, y, t]*psicc[x, y, t] /. xf -> 5*10^-3 /. yf -> 5*10^-3 /. tf -> 200*10^-6 /. =CF=83 -> 7.5*10^-6 /. m -> 9.1*10^-31 /. =E2=88=87 -> 1.1*10^-34 /. t -> 0*10^-6; ci1 = Plot3D[Log[10, psipsicc1], {x, -7.5*10^-3, 7.5*10^-3}, {y, -7.5*10^-3, 7.5*10^-3}, PlotRange -> {0, 6}, PlotPoints -> 300, AxesLabel -> {"x(m)", "y(m)", "Log[=E2=80=98=E2=84=A2=CB=9CSuperscriptBox[=E2=84=A2=CF=88, =E2=84=A2*]=CF=88] (=E2=80=98=E2=84=A2=CB=9CSuperscriptBox[=E2=84=A2m, =E2=84=A2-2])"}, Mesh -> False, ColorFunction -> "GrayTones", Ticks -> {{-5.0*10^-3, 0, +5.0*10^-3}, {-5.0*10^-3, 0, +5.0*10^-3}, {0, 6}}, PlotLabel -> "(a) =E2=80=98=E2=84=A2=CB=9CSuperscriptBox[=E2=84=A2=CF=88, =E2=84=A2*]=CF=88 at t = 0 =CE=BCs "] Out[4]= =E2=80=98=E2=84=A2=CB=9C Graphics3DBox[{}, Axes->True, AxesLabel->{ FormBox["\"x(m)\"", TraditionalForm], FormBox["\"y(m)\"", TraditionalForm], FormBox["\"Log[\\!\\(\\*SuperscriptBox[\\(=CF=88\\), \\(*\\)]\\)=CF=88] \ (\\!\\(\\*SuperscriptBox[\\(m\\), \\(-2\\)]\\))\"", TraditionalForm]}, BoxRatios->{1, 1, 0.4}, Lighting->"Neutral", Method->{"RotationControl" -> "Globe"}, PlotLabel->FormBox[ "\"(a) \\!\\(\\*SuperscriptBox[\\(=CF=88\\), \\(*\\)]\\)=CF=88 at t == 0 =CE=BCs \"", TraditionalForm], PlotRange->{{-0.0075, 0.0075}, {-0.0075, 0.0075}, {0, 6}}, PlotRangePadding->{ Scaled[0.02], Scaled[0.02], Automatic}, Ticks->{{{-0.005, FormBox[ RowBox[{"-", "0.005`"}], TraditionalForm]}, {0, FormBox["0", TraditionalForm]}, {0.005, FormBox["0.005`", TraditionalForm]}}, {{-0.005, FormBox[ RowBox[{"-", "0.005`"}], TraditionalForm]}, {0, FormBox["0", TraditionalForm]}, {0.005, FormBox["0.005`", TraditionalForm]}}, {{0, FormBox["0", TraditionalForm]}, {6, FormBox["6", TraditionalForm]}}}] -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Michael B. Heaney 3182 Stelling Drive Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA mheaney at ------------------------------------------------------------
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Help! Mathematica 7 notebook is not working in Mathematica
- From: Murray Eisenberg <>
- Re: Help! Mathematica 7 notebook is not working in Mathematica