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Re: Question about typesetting

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg124176] Re: Question about typesetting
  • From: Fred Simons <f.h.simons at>
  • Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 17:22:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <jeh5ku$r48$> <>

Dear Albert,

Yes, I was aware of your CellPrint solution. However, that could not be 
used in my problem, where the Row  is an element of a Column, something like

","These sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a very 
long text. These sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a 
very long text. These sentences form a very long text. These sentences 
form a very long text. These sentences form a very long text. These 
sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a very long 

But your solution made me think it over once again, and it turned out 
that the following variant does what I am looking for:

Framed[Column[{TextCell[Row[{Button["Buttontext",Null]," ","These 
sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a very long text. 
These sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a very long 
text. These sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a very 
long text. These sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a 
very long text. These sentences form a very long text."}],"Text"]},
BaseStyle->{FontFamily->"Times"}, ItemSize->60]]

Nevertheless, I do not feel quite happy with this solution. Mathematica 
uses some built-in rules on how strings are displayed, Usually they work 
fine, but, as in my original question, not always. I was looking for 
some techniques to control the way Mathematica displays strings, and I 
could only find the LineIndent option, not an option for having line 
wrapping as far as possible to the right, or for the second element of a 
Row not starting at a new line. The solution as we have it now is simply 
to replace the expression by a text cell. In my more than 20 years of 
experience with Mathematica I never needed to use a cell in an 
expression! I think this solution is pretty rude and lacking the 
standard elegance of Mathematica. But it works, and that is fine.

Many thanks and kind regards,


Op 11-1-2012 10:20, A Retey schreef:
> Hi,
>> When we have a text cell with a few lines of text and when we insert a
>> button in the very beginning, then of course the text starts immediately
>> behind the button and wraps without indention over the lines of the
>> cell, as far to the right as possible.
>> I want to achieve the same layout by means of a kernel command. The best
>> I could find is
>> In[4]:= Style[Row[{Button["Buttontext",Null]," ","These sentences form a
>> very long text. These sentences form a very long text. These sentences
>> form a very long text. These sentences form a very long text. These
>> sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a very long text.
>> These sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a very long
>> text. These sentences form a very long text."}], LineIndent->0]
>> There is no indention at the left hand side of the output cell. But the
>> soft line breaks in the string are not as far to the right as possible,
>> and the display of the string starts at a new line instead of straight
>> after the button.
>> It seems to me that it must be possible to arrive at the same layout as
>> a text cell. Maybe there is a simple solution, but I cannot find it. Can
>> someone give me a hint?
> Not sure whether I fully understand your problem, but this should do
> what you describe (note that my or your mailer will probably add some
> line breaks to the long string, you need to get rid of them before
> trying the code below...):
> CellPrint[
>    TextCell[Row[{Button["Buttontext", Null], " ",
>       "These sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a \
> very long text. These sentences form a very long text. These \
> sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a very long \
> text. These sentences form a very long text. These sentences form a \
> very long text. These sentences form a very long text. These \
> sentences form a very long text."}], "Text"]]
> hth,
> albert
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