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Derivatives Output as TraditionalForm

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg124448] Derivatives Output as TraditionalForm
  • From: "mathgroup " <fizzymath at>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 01:48:56 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

The following code was offered in a Wolfram Blog to make Derivatives print 
out as they would be written with pencil and paper rather then    f^(0,1)[x,y] for example....which is standard Mathematica is the code(written by Simon, I think was his name).....the original Blog had a Wolfram program  pdConv ...however, you had to apply it  to  each expression whereas this code , once run, does it throughout the Notebook....

Derivative/:MakeBoxes[Derivative[inds__][g_][vars__],TraditionalForm]:=ToB oxes[Apply[Defer[D[g[vars],##]]&,Transpose[{{vars},{inds}}]/.{{var_,0}:>Sequence[],{var_,1}:>{var}}],TraditionalForm]

I have 2 Questions....

(1)  Why isnt this code standard within Mathematica rather then having to be  Coded by the user?....I used to do all this with Format  which was a Royal Nightmare by comparison.........I have never seen what purpose  this output   f^(0,1)[x,y]   served.......or does it???

(2)   Second....if I want to modify this code to get output  as    df/dx   rather then  df[x,y]/dx, ,  for example  ,  how do I change it?

I also wanted to present this Code in case there are others who don't know about it and might find it useful for their work....

thanks.....Jerry Blimbaum

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