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Re: Mathematica 8 + OS X + McAfee = trouble; help?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg124625] Re: Mathematica 8 + OS X + McAfee = trouble; help?
  • From: DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 06:09:46 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

WHAT software allows you to drag a downloaded item to an icon, to check it  
for viruses?

I've used many anti-virus programs over the years, and never heard of this  


On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 02:30:37 -0600, Bill Rowe <readnews at>  

> On 1/25/12 at 7:09 AM, janos at (J=C3=A1nos L=C3=B6bb) wrote:
>> Me, as a newbie, I do not use McAfee.   On the Mac it is absolutely
>> unnecessary.
> This is worded a bit strongly. There are a few (very few)
> instances of malware that can impact Mac users. But, these all
> seem to currently require some lack of care on the part of the
> user before they can cause problems. If you restrict
> installation of software to say just what is available from the
> Mac App store then there will be no need for a something like
> McAfee for you.
> However, it is still a good idea to have an antivirus program
> available even if you never encounter malware that can impact a
> Mac if for no other reason but to avoid passing on malware to
> colleagues and others using PCs.
>> I never used any antivirus program on any Mac in my life, starting
>> from MacPlus to my nice MacBookPro.
> I've been using Macs since the days when a Mac II running OS 6
> was considered a top of the line machine. I can only recall two
> instances of encountering malware (both prior to OS X) and
> easily corrected without antivirus software. But I still make
> use of antivirus software. But I do not have it configured to
> run in the background automatically checking downloads.
> Instead, I simply drag anything I download that has executable
> code to the antivirus icon for the software in the dock prior to
> installing it. This verifies the software is not malware and
> safe to install without impacting performance of other software
> such as Mathematica. It takes very little effort on my part to
> do this.

DrMajorBob at

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