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Re: Executing function on Mathematica 8

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg124682] Re: Executing function on Mathematica 8
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 05:37:33 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

On 1/30/12 at 5:07 AM, fadiabuamara at (Fadi Mousa) wrote:

>I am new to mathematica and do not know how to enter the following
>function and then call it on mathematica 8:

>BinExp[num_,d_] := Module[{n,L},
>If[d > $MaxPrecision, $MaxPrecision = d];
>n = N[num,d];
>L = First[RealDigits[n,2]]

You enter this function by simply typing what you posted into a
cell then doing shift-enter to evaluate that cell.

You would call this function by typing

BinExp[number, number]

in a cell then doing the same shift-enter to evaluate it.

Your function would be better coded as:

BinExp[num_,d_] := Module[{n},
n = N[num,d];

The If statement will evaluate as False (and consequently does
nothing) by default since $MaxPrecision is by default infinity.

There is no need for the local variable L since it is not used.

You don't need a ; whenever using SetDelayed (":=") since
SetDelayed returns nothing at the time the function is defined.
A value is only returned when the function is evaluated later.

Even more concise coding of this function would be done as:

BinExp[num_,d_] := First[RealDigits[N[num,d],2]]

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