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Equation numbers funny problem

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg125317] Equation numbers funny problem
  • From: Bob <deepyogurt at>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 05:58:48 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

Anyone have any idea what to do when numbering equations with the
"DisplayFormulaNumbered" style in the Default stylesheet and
Mathematica does not display the equation numbers as it should? The
problem only happens when I use the Option Inspector to modify the
starting equation number in a cell that has this style. For example I
wanted to jump from equation number 7 in one cell to equation number 9
(and skip 8).

The variable I modified was called "DisplayFormulaNumbered" via the
Option Inspector. I wanted to start the numbers at 9, so I set the
variable to 8 as Mathematica always starts the numbering at the next
number, ie 9 in this case. This equation appears OK, but the problem
appears on the next equation number (labeled as 10) in the notebook
with this style, and several subsequent numbered cells (it eventually
starts displaying correctly after about 1 more cells if I use 8 or
another 8 cells if I set the variable to 99, even more if I set the
variable to 999), in that the closing parenthesis, sometimes even part
of the number itself, is either entirely or almost entirely obscured
by the right edge of the cell. You either don't see part of the number
or sometimes two small dots that are the left edge of the right
parenthesis. The equation number is obviously getting clipped.

So the basic question is how does Mathematica really figure out where
to place this equation number and how to get it to leave more room
than it appears to want to leave so that the right portion of the
label is not obscured by the right edge of the cell? I've played
around with using different alignments and it makes no difference
either. I am guessing that Mathematica is somehow leaving room for
what it thinks the number "should be" instead of what it actually is
(because I modified the variable for a particular cell (and all
subsequent ones as well), but that eventually it figures it out, it
just takes some number of cells to do it.

I've tried making the window much wider, but it makes no difference in
this problem either.

Well, just discovered that if you close the notebook and reopen it
everything seems fine, so the problem is one that happens only during
the time the notebook is open when the equation number has been
manually modified, and it "heals" itself when the notebook is closed
and saved and then opened again. Does that give a clue perhaps as to
what is really happening?



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