MathGroup Archive 2012

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Re: Using Throw/Catch in MeshFunctions doesn't work? (8.0.4)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg125362] Re: Using Throw/Catch in MeshFunctions doesn't work? (8.0.4)
  • From: bradc355113 at
  • Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 06:09:59 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <jj9uld$dqp$>

Oops, the Goto/Label workaround that I described previously doesn't actually seem to work either. I get a "Label not found" error. Again, this only happens when used in the MeshFunctions option. In other scenarios the Goto/Label work fine.

Here's a simple example that generates the Goto::nolabel error:

Plot3D[x^2 + y^2, {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}, MeshFunctions -> {(Goto[tag]; Label[tag]; #1 #2) &}]

My workaround now is to use nested If statements like this:

f[...] := Module[
        Message[...]; ret = $Failed,
        (* else success so far *)
            Message[...]; ret = $Failed,
            (* else success so far *)
            ret = DoFinalCalculation[]

Plot3D[..., MeshFunctions -> {f[#1, #2] &}]

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