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Re: Engineering requests

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg125420] Re: Engineering requests
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 03:05:29 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

On 3/12/12 at 4:06 AM, Paul.McHale at (McHale, Paul)


>>>Have you explored the Units` package?

>I have, but have probably not given it sufficient time.  I'm not
>sure "automatic" and "natural" would describe the implementation.

Another package you might want to look at for using units is the
AutomaticUnits package available on Wolfram's web site. It has a
few advantages over the standard Units package for working with units.

For example, it allows you do something like

In[3]:= Exp[.7 ElectronVolt/
    BoltzmannConstant (1/(298 Kelvin) - 1/( 398 Kelvin))]

Out[3]= 942.91

Note, to make this work as shown, I've modified my copy of the
PhysicalConstants package to call out the AutomaticUnits package
rather than the standard Units package.

But while the AutomaticUnits package will convert diverse units
for a common quantity such as energy without your being
concerned, it will not automatically simplify units to those you
might prefer. That is:

In[4]:= 2 Volt/(10. Ampere)

Out[4]= 0.2 V A^-1

doesn't out ohms.

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