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Re: Typesetting in Mathematica (TraditionalForm

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg125699] Re: Typesetting in Mathematica (TraditionalForm
  • From: "Ernst H.K. Stelzer" <ernst.stelzer at>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 03:01:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <>



Defer[Integrate[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]}]] ==
  Integrate[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]}] // TraditionalForm


    Ernst H.K. Stelzer

Summary of question: Is there a cell style that can do TraditionalForm like typesetting (without first evaluating an input cell?) And if this capability exists, can the functionality be bound to a key combination (shortcut)?

Hi, I've been trying to use Mathematica for taking class notes and homework assignments lately. In general I've found it faster than typing things up in LaTeX and it has passable typesetting quality, but there is one minor is sue I've been having that I've not been able to find a solution to in the

I can't figure out how to do a good "non-inline" formulas (off-line?), something like latex's math environment ("\[ ... \]" or $$ ... $$.)

The "DisplayFormula" cell style formats equations like a proper latex "off-line" math environment, except the font is a thin, not very nice looking font.

I know Mathematica has some decent math fonts, because TraditionalForm output is rather nice, except to get a TraditionalForm font apparently one first has to evaluate an input cell, and accept Mathematica's default symbolic manipulations (barring tinkering), which isn't a very convenient set up for quick typesetting.

Is there a cell style that can do TraditionalForm like typesetting (without first evaluating an input cell?) And if this capability exists, can the functionality be bound to a key shortcut?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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